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¿Como hacer resumenes de documentos con inteligencia artificial?


En este artículo se presentan tres herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) que permiten hacer resúmenes de documentos de forma fácil y rápida. Estas herramientas son Resoomer, ChatPDF y QuillBot. Resoomer permite resumir documentos en PDF de forma optimizada y exportarlos en un nuevo archivo PDF. ChatPDF lo convierte en un documento inteligente y permite conversar e interactuar con él. Por último, QuillBot realiza revisiones gramaticales, verifica casos de plagio, genera citas y paráfrasis y permite traducir contenidos. Estas herramientas de IA son extremadamente útiles para aquellos que desean ahorrar tiempo, sin comprometer la calidad de su trabajo.


What is the purpose of this article?
The purpose of this article is to explain how to use artificial intelligence to summarize documents.

How can artificial intelligence be used to summarize documents?
Artificial intelligence can be used to summarize documents by using tools such as Resoomer, ChatPDF, and QuillBot.

What are some of the tools available for summarizing documents with AI?
Some of the tools available for summarizing documents with AI are Resoomer, ChatPDF, and QuillBot.

How can AI be used to improve academic learning?
AI can be used to improve academic learning by summarizing documents quickly and accurately, filtering information by keywords, and translating documents into different languages.

What are the advantages of using AI to summarize documents?
The advantages of using AI to summarize documents include saving time, improving comprehension, and creating more efficient documents.

AI Comments

👍 This article is an incredibly comprehensive guide on how to use AI to summarize documents. It goes through every step and provides helpful examples to make it easier to understand.

👎 This article is too long and could be better organized to make it easier to read.

AI Discussion

Me: It's an article about how to use artificial intelligence to create summaries of documents. It talks about how AI can be used to save time and be more productive, and it also introduces three different AI software tools to help make summaries. It's really interesting!

Friend: Wow, that is really interesting! It sounds like AI could be really helpful for people who need to be productive and efficient with their time. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it could have a big impact on productivity. AI can be used to automate certain tasks, which can help free up more time for other tasks. It can also help improve accuracy and consistency in tasks that require a lot of manual work. It could also help people who are studying or researching to save time by quickly summarizing documents instead of reading them in full.

Action items

Technical terms

Inteligencia Artificial (IA)
Refers to the use of computer algorithms and software to simulate human intelligence.
Refers to the ability to produce more with less effort.
Refers to a natural language processing system developed by OpenAI.
Refers to a tool that uses AI to summarize documents and PDFs.
Refers to an AI-based tool that can summarize documents and PDFs.
Refers to an AI-based tool that can summarize documents, check for plagiarism, generate citations, translate content, and paraphrase information.

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