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My Personal Financial Plan


This article is about creating a personal financial plan in order to manage complexity when it comes to wealth creation. It outlines a simple plan of earning more money, saving money, having an emergency fund, investing, writing a will, avoiding debt, and reviewing finances regularly. The article also discusses how investing for long term returns is more beneficial than investing for short term entertainment value. Finally, the article suggests reading Matt Haig's book "Reasons to Stay Alive" as a source of inspiration.


What is the most important advice Charles Ellis learned from his two doctor friends?
The most important advice Charles Ellis learned from his two doctor friends was to quit smoking and to buckle up when driving.

How does Vishal handle complexity in his wealth creation journey?
Vishal handles complexity in his wealth creation journey by having a personal financial plan that is elegant in its simplicity.

What is the key advice from Steve Jobs about dealing with complexity?
The key advice from Steve Jobs about dealing with complexity is that it is worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.

What does Matt Haig say books represent?
Matt Haig says books represent a map, a treasure map, and the treasure being directed to is oneself.

What is the key message of Matt Haig's "Reasons to Stay Alive"?
The key message of Matt Haig's "Reasons to Stay Alive" is to read books as they can pick you up when feeling down, anxious, panic stricken, or depressed.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive and insightful personal financial plan. It is filled with sound advice and inspiring stories that can help readers make better decisions with their money.

👎 This article relies heavily on anecdotes which may not be applicable to everyone's financial situation. Additionally, the author does not provide actionable steps on how to implement this financial plan.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about personal finance and creating a simple financial plan. The article talks about earning more money than you need, saving money, having an emergency fund, investing for the long term, avoiding debt, and reviewing your finances every 6 months.

Friend: Interesting. It seems like a good plan. What do you think the implications of this article are?

Me: I think the biggest implication is the importance of having a simple, yet effective financial plan. Too often, people get caught up in the complexities of managing their finances and forget to focus on the basics. The article also emphasizes the importance of avoiding debt and investing for the long-term, which are both essential for a successful financial plan. Finally, it stresses the importance of documenting and reviewing your plan regularly to ensure it is still effective.

Action items

Technical terms

An antibiotic drug used to treat bacterial infections.
Washing Hands
A practice of cleaning one's hands with soap and water to remove dirt, germs, and other contaminants.
Charles Ellis
An American financial theorist and author of the book Winning the Loser's Game.
Lord Krishna
A major Hindu deity, worshipped as the eighth avatar of Vishnu.
Charlie Munger
An American investor, businessman, and philanthropist.
An ancient Greek philosopher.
Warren Buffett
An American investor, business magnate, and philanthropist.
Steve Jobs
An American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor.
Naval Ravikant
An American entrepreneur, investor, and podcast host.
Liquid Fund
A type of mutual fund that invests in short-term debt instruments such as treasury bills, commercial papers, and certificates of deposit.
A legal document that outlines how a person's assets and property should be distributed after their death.
Credit Card Debt
Money owed on a credit card.
Personal Loans
Loans taken out by individuals for personal use.
Initial public offering, the first sale of stock by a company to the public.
Paul Samuelson
An American economist and the first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
Matt Haig
A British author of fiction and non-fiction.

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