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Market perspectives


This article examines the projected returns and volatility forecasts of global economic markets as of July 19, 2023, based on the Vanguard Capital Markets Model. It also provides a region-by-region outlook for the United States, Europe, United Kingdom, China, and Emerging Markets. The article highlights recent inflation and labor reports, wage growth, and the Federal Reserve's July monetary policy announcement. It also discusses the Vanguard research that suggests the neutral rate of interest in the United States may be higher than many people think, including Federal Reserve policymakers. Finally, it examines the Bank of England's rate target, China's economic performance and the Bank of Mexico's rate target, and emerging markets' rate-cutting cycle.


What are Vanguard's 10-year annualized nominal return and volatility forecasts based on?
Vanguard's 10-year annualized nominal return and volatility forecasts are based on the March 31, 2023, running of the Vanguard Capital Markets Model® (VCMM).

How is the U.S. neutral rate of interest estimated by Vanguard?
Vanguard's neutral-rate estimate is based on 2023 research by Joseph H. Davis, Ryan Zalla, Joana Rocha, and Josh Hirt.

What is the most recent economic data suggesting for the Euro area?
The most recent economic data suggests that a recession continued between April and June in the Euro area, marking a third consecutive quarterly contraction.

What are the Bank of England's current and projected interest rates?
The Bank of England's current interest rate is 5.00%–5.25%, and its projected rate is 5.5%–5.75%.

What is the forecasted economic growth for the global emerging markets in 2023?
The forecasted economic growth for the global emerging markets in 2023 is 3.90%.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This article provides an in-depth look at the market perspectives and projections from Vanguard Investment Strategy Group, which is very helpful for investors.

đź‘Ž This article only focuses on projections from Vanguard Investment Strategy Group, which may not be representative of the entire market.

AI Discussion

Me: It's a Vanguard perspective looking at the projected returns of different asset classes in different regions. It also talks about the implications of inflation and labor reports in the US, as well as the rise of neutral rate of interest.

Friend: Interesting. What are some of the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it looks like the US economy is cooling and the Federal Reserve may raise its interest rate target. There is also the possibility of a recession in Europe and the UK. In addition, China's GDP growth is slowing and its inflation is falling. This could mean that the emerging markets will lead the rate-cutting cycle.

Action items

Technical terms

Vanguard Capital Markets Model® (VCMM)
A proprietary financial simulation tool developed and maintained by Vanguard’s primary investment research and advice teams. The model forecasts distributions of future returns for a wide array of broad asset classes.
Laubach-Williams and Holston-Laubach-Williams estimates
Estimates of the U.S. neutral rate of interest derived from Federal Reserve Bank of New York models.
Neutral rate
The theoretical central bank interest rate target that would neither restrict nor fuel activity in an economy at full employment.
Summary of Economic Projections
A document published by the Federal Reserve that provides an overview of the economic outlook and projections for the future.
Monte Carlo simulation
A computerized mathematical technique that uses random numbers to simulate the behavior of a system.

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