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On physics: Gravity, vulnerability, and other strange phenomena ☄


This article explores physics and the strange phenomena of black holes and their gravity. It details the history of physics and Einstein's theories, specifically the theory of general relativity, and how they explain the warping of spacetime and the phenomenon of light echoes. The article then tells a personal story of the author's experience with vulnerability and how it relates to physics. They reflect on their experience with a rollercoaster ride, Couples Therapy, and an old letter from their partner. They find comfort in the warping of spacetime, the idea that nothing is absolute, and that courage is needed to explore the unknown.


What is the theory of general relativity?
The theory of general relativity is a theory that explains how gravity is not a force, as Newton thought, but the geometry by which spacetime curves in the presence of massive objects.

What is an accretion disc?
An accretion disc is a flattened ring where gas and stellar dust spiral to their doom. This heats the disc up to millions of degrees, so hot that electrons separate from atoms, and generates twisting magnetic fields.

How did Wilkins and his team observe light echoes from a black hole?
Wilkins and his team observed light echoes from a black hole by studying a supermassive black hole that was 10 million times the size of our Sun. They saw the expected X-ray flares, but then they noticed something strange: shorter ones with different wavelengths that flashed with a delay.

What is an example of a personal experience with physics defiance?
An example of a personal experience with physics defiance is when the author tried to go all the way around on a swing like a little Evel Knievel, or a tiny psycho X-ray.

How does the author use the theory of general relativity to draw connections to personal experiences with vulnerability?
The author uses the theory of general relativity to draw connections to personal experiences with vulnerability by comparing the warping of reality to her own vulnerability. She explains that when she felt exposed and vulnerable, she found solace in the theory of general relativity and the idea that gravity is not inescapable.

AI Comments

👍 This article does an excellent job of providing a comprehensive overview of the science behind black holes, while also weaving in personal anecdotes to provide a relatable perspective.

👎 This article fails to provide any new insight on the topic of black holes and relies too heavily on personal stories to provide context.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the implications of Einstein's theory of relativity and how it ties into the concept of vulnerability. It talks about how gravity affects time and space, and how the idea of a "light echo" can help us understand our own vulnerability. It also talks about how Newtonian physics can't explain certain phenomena, and how sometimes we have to embrace the warping of reality in order to survive.

Friend: Interesting. It sounds like this article is trying to make a connection between science and personal experience. What do you think are the implications of this article?

Me: I think the article implies that, no matter how much we try to control our lives and the way we interact with the world, there are still things that remain outside of our control. The idea that gravity can warp space and time, and that light can escape a black hole, shows us that there are some things that are beyond explanation. In the same way, our own vulnerabilities and experiences may be difficult to explain, but they should still be embraced and accepted. It's important to recognize that we can't control everything, and that we have to be open to new possibilities and perspectives in order to survive and grow.

Action items

Technical terms

The force of attraction between two objects with mass.
Event Horizon
The point of no return around a black hole, beyond which nothing can escape the gravitational pull.
Accretion Disc
A flattened ring of gas and stellar dust that spirals to its doom around the event horizon of a black hole.
A plume of magnetized plasma that hovers above the event horizon of a black hole.
High-energy electromagnetic radiation.
Special Relativity
A theory proposed by Einstein in 1905 that explains how speed affects mass, time, and space.
General Relativity
A theory proposed by Einstein in 1916 that describes how gravity is not a force, but the geometry by which spacetime curves in the presence of massive objects.
Light Echo
A phenomenon predicted by Einstein where the gravity of a black hole is so strong that it wraps light around the back of it, allowing light to escape.
The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.
Zen Koan
A paradoxical statement or story used in Zen Buddhism to provoke thought and test a student's progress in Zen practice.
The process of sorting victims, especially of a battle or disaster, to determine medical priority in order to increase the number of survivors.

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