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Momentum Transfer by Laser Ablation of Irregularly Shaped Space Debris


This article discusses the research conducted on the effects of laser ablation on irregularly shaped space debris. It presents an analysis of the impulse effects that arise when the target is not a spherical fragment. The article is 8 pages long and was part of the Proceedings of the 2010 International High-Power Laser Ablation Conference. It is available in full text and as a free PDF.


What is the purpose of ground-based laser remediation of space debris?
The purpose of ground-based laser remediation of space debris is to create appropriately directed ablation-driven impulses to either divert the fragment or drive it into an orbit with a perigee allowing atmospheric capture.

How does the ablation impulse of a spherical fragment depend on the laser engagement angle?
The ablation impulse of a spherical fragment is a function of the orbital parameters and the laser engagement angle.

What new impulse effects come into play if the target is irregularly shaped and arbitrarily oriented?
If the target is irregularly shaped and arbitrarily oriented, new impulse effects come into play, such as the effects of the shape and orientation of the target on the ablation impulse.

What analysis is presented in this article?
An analysis of some of the new impulse effects is presented in this article.

What sources provide a free full text of this article?
The UNT Digital Library and Crossref provide a free full text of this article.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a thorough analysis of the effects of laser ablation of irregularly shaped space debris and provides a great resource for those interested in learning more about the topic.

👎 Although this article is informative, it does not offer any practical solutions for how to best use laser ablation to remediate space debris.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how laser ablation can be used to transfer momentum to irregularly shaped space debris. It discusses some of the implications of impulse effects that arise with this type of technology.

Friend: That's really interesting. What kind of implications does it mention?

Me: It looks at how the ablation impulse is affected by the shape and orientation of the debris, and how that could affect the orbital parameters of the debris. It also mentions the potential danger of misdirected impulses, which could cause damage to nearby spacecraft. Finally, it looks at the need for more efficient propulsion systems to avoid relying on laser ablation for momentum transfer.

Action items

Technical terms

Momentum Transfer
The transfer of momentum from one object to another, usually through a force.
Laser Ablation
The process of removing material from a surface using a laser beam.
Space Debris
Man-made objects that are no longer in use and are orbiting in space.
Orbital Parameters
The parameters that define the shape and size of an orbit.
Laser Engagement Angle
The angle at which a laser beam is directed at a target.
Irregularly Shaped
A shape that is not regular or symmetrical.
Arbitrarily Oriented
A position or orientation that is not predetermined or predetermined.
Ablation Impulse
The force created by the ablation of a material.
Proceedings of the 2010 International High-Power Laser Ablation Conference
A conference held in 2010 that focused on the use of high-power lasers for ablation.
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Available Versions
Different versions of the article that are available for download.
Crossref Provided Original Full Text Link
A link to the original full text of the article provided by Crossref.
UNT Digital Library Provided a Free PDF
A PDF version of the article provided by the UNT Digital Library.

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