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Identificado en el cerebro el origen del circulo vicioso que hace engordar


Un equipo de científicos estudió el mecanismo por el cual una dieta alta en grasa causa una inflamación en el cerebro que aumenta el apetito. Esta inflamación puede causar tanto aumento como disminución de peso. Los investigadores modificaron genéticamente a los ratones para eliminar los receptores de la prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) en el hipotálamo, lo cual los protegió del aumento de peso y el hígado graso que provocaba la inflamación. Los resultados sugieren que una dieta antiinflamatoria podría ayudar a reducir el peso, pero todavía se necesitan más estudios para probar la seguridad y los efectos secundarios de los tratamientos antiinflamatorios.


What did researchers find about the relationship between high fat diets and the regulation of appetite?
Researchers found that high fat diets produce an inflammation in the brain that increases appetite.

What role does prostaglandin E2 play in influencing appetite regulation?
Prostaglandin E2 activates the hormone MHC in the hypothalamus, which makes us feel hungry.

How might reducing inflammation help both overweight and underweight people?
Reducing inflammation could help both overweight and underweight people by alleviating their symptoms.

What potential treatments could be developed to target uncontrolled appetite?
Potential treatments that could be developed to target uncontrolled appetite include diet modifications, such as the Mediterranean diet, and anti-inflammatory treatments.

What safety considerations should be taken into account when using anti-inflammatory treatments?
Safety considerations that should be taken into account when using anti-inflammatory treatments include identifying potential side effects and testing for safety before use.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a fantastic exploration of the complex relationship between obesity and inflammation in the brain. It offers insight into potential treatments for obesity and how to reduce inflammation.

👎 This article does not offer any concrete solutions for those struggling with obesity, and does not address how to address the social and cultural forces that lead to overeating.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how a high-fat diet can cause inflammation in the brain that increases appetite. The scientists studied animal models to figure out the relationship between inflammation in the hypothalamus and our sensation of hunger. They found that the prostaglandin E2 molecule, which regulates processes in the immune system, can activate the hunger hormone MHC in the hypothalamus when we eat a high-fat diet.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It seems like this could have major implications for people's health.

Me: Yes, it could. The researchers suggest that any strategies that reduce inflammation could help with both weight gain and weight loss. The Mediterranean diet, for example, is anti-inflammatory and is known to help with weight management. But they also warn that anti-inflammatory treatments need to be carefully monitored to make sure that they don't have any negative side effects.

Action items

Technical terms

Una parte del cerebro que regula el balance de energía y nuestra sensación de hambre.
Una molécula que regula procesos del sistema inmune como la fiebre.
Una hormona que nos hace sentir apetito.
Un exceso de bacterias en el intestino delgado que causa diarrea e hinchazón.
Un edulcorante declarado por la OMS como “posiblemente cancerígeno” para los humanos.

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