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How to Study the Rise of the Far Right?


This article discusses the rise of far-right politics in Europe and how it should be studied. It suggests that existing scholarship has focused on regional development traps, economic anxiety, and cultural backlash. However, it suggests that distant events may be an important factor in its popularity. It also notes that a quarter of European young men say they will vote for the far right, and that it is equally popular among women in France, the Netherlands, and Belgium.


How should the rise of the far right be studied?
The rise of the far right should be studied methodologically.

Why do a quarter of European young men say they’ll vote for the far right?
A quarter of European young men say they’ll vote for the far right because of regional development traps, economic anxiety, and cultural backlash.

Is the far right equally popular with women?
Yes, the far right is equally popular with women in France, The Netherlands and Belgium.

What existing scholarship has explored the rise of the far right?
Existing scholarship has emphasised regional development traps, economic anxiety, and cultural backlash. Quantitative researchers typically regress individual- or place-based characteristics.

How do distant events influence the popularity of the far right?
Distant events influence the popularity of the far right by highlighting their salience.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an insightful and comprehensive look into the rise of the far right in Europe and how it should be studied.

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AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to study the rise of the far right, and it suggests that existing scholarship has emphasized regional development traps, economic anxiety, and cultural backlash. It also suggests that researchers should use quantitative approaches to look at individual or place-based characteristics.

Friend: That's really interesting. What implications does this article have?

Me: Well, it implies that researchers should look beyond just the regional and economic factors to understand why people are turning to the far right. It also suggests that researchers should use quantitative methods to assess the individual and place-based characteristics. This could lead to a better understanding of why people are turning to the far right and potentially help create solutions to combat the rise of the far right.

Action items

Technical terms

Far Right
A political ideology that is characterized by extreme right-wing views, including authoritarianism, nationalism, and racism.
Regional Development Traps
A situation in which a region is unable to develop economically due to a lack of resources, infrastructure, or other factors.
Economic Anxiety
A feeling of fear or worry about one's financial situation or the economy in general.
Cultural Backlash
A reaction against a culture or group of people, often expressed through hostility or violence.
Quantitative Researchers
Researchers who use quantitative methods to collect and analyze data.
Individual- or Place-Based Characteristics
Characteristics of individuals or places that can be used to explain or predict certain behaviors or outcomes.
Distant Events
Events that occurred in the past or in a different location that may have an impact on current events.

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