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How to change when change is hard


In this article, the author talks about how change can be hard and how they initially ignored the need for change. They then suggest running experiments to make change easier and share how they ran an experiment to change their daily email checking routine. They explain that experiments can take the pressure off and that you can try different paths until you find something that works for you. They encourage readers to use this mindset and to experiment with different possible selves and futures.


What triggered the realization for the author to change their workday routine?
The author realized they were spending the most creative two hours of their day tackling other people's to-dos.

What was the author's experiment for changing their email-checking habit?
The author committed to not checking email before 12 pm for one month.

How did the author's creativity benefit from the change?
The author's creativity skyrocketed and they wrote a record number of words in that month.

What mindset does the author recommend for making change less intimidating?
The author recommends a mindset of trying on possible selves and experimenting with different futures.

What is the purpose of experimenting instead of making firm plans?
The purpose of experimenting instead of making firm plans is to discover what works for you and what doesn't.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article provides a thoughtful approach to making change easier by suggesting experimenting with different approaches. It also offers a creative way to look at life as a lab for discovering what works best for the individual.

πŸ‘Ž The article is too long and could be condensed for more succinct advice.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to make changes in our lives even when it's hard. It talks about experimenting with different approaches and seeing what works best for you.

Friend: That's interesting. So if I want to make a change in my life, I should experiment with different approaches?

Me: Yes, that's what the article suggests. It talks about how trying different approaches can help us discover what works for us and make change less intimidating. It also encourages us to try on different possible selves and have a more flexible mindset.

Action items

Technical terms

Inbox Zero
A term used to describe the goal of having no unread or unanswered emails in one's inbox.
Status Quo
The existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues.
A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
Dead End
A situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible.
Static Self
A fixed or unchanging self-image.

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