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OpenAI’s Corporate Sales Come Under Pressure as AI Customers Eye Cheaper Options


OpenAI, a company that specializes in generative artificial intelligence, is facing competition from cheaper AI providers. As a result, its corporate sales have begun to slow down. Some customers are buying OpenAI's software through Microsoft in order to bundle the purchase with other products. However, this is a problem for OpenAI, as Microsoft keeps much of the revenue generated from these sales.


What is the impact of OpenAI's competition in the AI market on corporate sales?
The impact of OpenAI's competition in the AI market on corporate sales is that less companies are buying OpenAI's software and are instead turning to cheaper alternatives.

What alternatives are corporate customers turning to in order to use AI more cheaply?
Corporate customers are turning to competing providers that claim they can help the firms use AI more cheaply.

How is Microsoft impacting OpenAI's sales to corporate customers?
Microsoft is impacting OpenAI's sales to corporate customers by allowing customers to bundle the purchase of OpenAI's software with other products, and keeping much of the OpenAI-related revenue it generates.

What claims are competing AI providers making to lure corporate customers away from OpenAI?
Competing AI providers are claiming they can help firms use AI more cheaply in order to lure corporate customers away from OpenAI.

How is OpenAI responding to the pressure of competition in the AI market?
It is unclear how OpenAI is responding to the pressure of competition in the AI market.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting insight into the changing landscape of AI sales and how OpenAI is responding to the competition. It's great to see OpenAI taking strategic steps to remain competitive and ensure their customers have the best possible options.

👎 It's concerning that OpenAI is losing customers to competitors offering cheaper options. This suggests that OpenAI may not be offering enough value to customers in comparison to their rivals.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about OpenAI's corporate sales coming under pressure as AI customers seek out cheaper options. It looks like they are no longer the only game in town when it comes to selling generative artificial intelligence. That's beginning to affect the growth of their sales to corporate customers.

Friend: Wow, that's a big problem. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, it means that OpenAI now has to compete with other companies offering similar AI services at lower costs. It also means that customers are now buying OpenAI's software through Microsoft, which means that Microsoft is keeping much of the OpenAI-related revenue it generates. OpenAI's profits are likely to be affected by this.

Action items

Technical terms

OpenAI is a research laboratory based in San Francisco, California, that focuses on artificial intelligence (AI).
Generative Artificial Intelligence
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a type of AI that is able to generate new data from existing data.
Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage customer data, sales, and marketing.
Wix is a web development platform that enables users to create websites and mobile applications.
Microsoft is a technology company that develops and sells computer software, consumer electronics, and other services.

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