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Loading Inline Form.


The Inline XBRL Viewer allows users to quickly view details of tagged information in an Inline document. Navigation, search and filter options are provided, and the Fact Review Window shows the tagging details for the currently selected fact. The Search Facts box can be used to find tagged facts matching entered keywords, and the Search Sections box can be used to filter the tagged sections of the financial statements. Filters allow the user to refine the highlighted tagged facts by data type, tag type, periods, measures, axis, scale, and balance. The Facts List (Results) displays all currently highlighted tagged facts, and the Sections toolbar item provides a listing of the tagged sections of the Inline document. The Information menu item provides additional detail about the current Inline document and customizable viewer settings, and the Save XBRL Instance and Save XBRL Zip menu items allow XBRL instance documents to be saved locally. The Settings menu item provides the ability to customize Viewer features.


What are the two ways to search an Inline XBRL document?
The two ways to search an Inline XBRL document are FACTS and SECTIONS.

What are the four categories of fact detail can be viewed in the Fact Review Window?
The four categories of fact detail that can be viewed in the Fact Review Window are Attributes, Labels, References, and Calculation.

How can filters be used to refine and pinpoint certain tagged information?
Filters can be used to refine and pinpoint certain tagged information by data type, tag type, periods, measures, axis, scale, balance, debit, and credit.

What is the purpose of the “Save XBRL Instance” and “Save XBRL Zip” menu items?
The purpose of the “Save XBRL Instance” and “Save XBRL Zip” menu items is to allow an XBRL instance document (*.xml) and a zip file (*.zip) that contains the as-provided XBRL instance document and related custom taxonomy files to be saved locally.

What are the options available in the “Settings” menu?
The options available in the “Settings” menu are Tagged Fact Hover, Auto Scrolling Position, Highlight Colors, Tag Shading (hover), Search Options, and Match Case.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Inline XBRL Viewer, with its easy navigation, search and filter options, making it a useful tool for users to quickly review details of the tagged information.

👎 This article is overly detailed and lacks any visual aids or examples to illustrate the concepts and features described.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about an Inline XBRL viewer application. It's a tool that makes it easier for users to review the tagged information in an Inline document. It has features like searching, filtering, and fact review windows.

Friend: That's really interesting! What implications does the article have?

Me: Well, the implications of the article are that it makes it easier for people to review tagged financial information. This makes it easier to analyze and understand financial documents. It also allows users to filter and search for specific facts and sections quickly and easily, which can be helpful when conducting research or auditing financial documents.

Action items

Technical terms

Loading Inline Form
A form that is loaded into an Inline XBRL viewer, which allows a user to quickly and easily review details of the tagged information in an Inline document.
XBRL Instance
An XBRL instance document (*.xml) that is extracted from the Inline document.
XBRL Zip File
A zip file (*.zip) that contains the as-provided XBRL instance document and related custom taxonomy files.
Fact Name
The name of the tagged fact.
Fact Content
The content of the tagged fact.
Detailed documentation (definition) for the tag used, and other labels.
Detailed documentation (definition) for the tag used, and other labels.
List of all used axis (dimensions); as applicable (dimensions); as applicable.
Reference Options
Authoritative reference information (as applicable) for the selected tag.
Balance and calculation hierarchy details (numeric non-dimensioned items only).
List of all used context years and reporting periods.
List of all used units of measure (e.g., US Dollars); as applicable.
List of all used axis (dimensions); as applicable (dimensions); as applicable.
List of all used scaled options (e.g., thousands, millions); as applicable.
Debit, credit; as applicable.
Standard Tags
Facts with standard tags from a common taxonomy (e.g., US_GAAP, IFRS, DEI).
Custom Tags
Facts with extension "custom" tags unique to the entity's document.
Additional Items
Tagged facts without a corresponding HTML presentation (i.e., hidden facts) only.
Fact Review Window
The Fact Review Window shows the tagging details for the currently selected fact, which is highlighted with a solid blue border.

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