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Faded Hype for Real Estate Tech Leaves Cadre, Others Scrambling


Cadre, a company co-founded by Jared Kushner and Ryan Williams, promised to bring commercial real estate investing to the masses and raised $800 million in investments, but failed to meet its expectations. Last year, it told investors it would likely make less than $30 million in annual revenue and wasn't yet profitable. Over the past six months, it has had difficulty raising tens of millions of dollars.


What companies have invested in Cadre?
Andreessen Horowitz, Thrive Capital, Founders Fund, Jack Ma, and George Soros have invested in Cadre.

How much was Cadre's initial valuation?
Cadre's initial valuation was $800 million.

How much revenue did Cadre tell investors it would pull in last year?
Cadre told investors it would pull in less than $30 million in annual revenue last year.

How much money has Cadre been trying to raise over the past six months?
Cadre has been trying to raise tens of millions of dollars over the past six months.

Is Cadre currently profitable?
No, Cadre is not currently profitable.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an in-depth look at the difficulties facing Cadre, a company that attempted to bring commercial real estate investing to the masses. It is an interesting insight into the challenges of startups in the finance industry.

👎 This article paints an unflattering picture of Cadre, a company that had high hopes for making commercial real estate investing accessible to the masses. It is an eye-opening look at how quickly lofty goals can fall short of expectations.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the fading hype for real estate tech companies like Cadre, which was co-founded by Jared Kushner and Ryan Williams. The company promised to bring commercial real estate investing to the masses, but they didn't meet expectations. They've been trying to raise tens of millions of dollars over the past six months and haven't had much success.

Friend: That's really interesting. It seems like the investors who put money into the company were expecting a bigger return on their investment than what they got.

Me: Yeah, it's definitely a cautionary tale for investors. It shows that you need to do your due diligence and make sure you understand the risks and rewards of any investment you make. It also shows that tech companies and startups aren't always a sure bet, even if they do have big-name investors.

Action items

Technical terms

A startup is a company that is in the early stages of development and is typically focused on developing a new product or service.
Venture Capital
Venture capital is a form of financing provided by investors to startups and small businesses that are deemed to have long-term growth potential.
Finance is the study of money management and the process of acquiring needed funds.
Addressable Market Opportunity
The addressable market opportunity is the total potential market size for a product or service. It is the maximum amount of revenue that a company can generate from a given market.
Valuation is the process of determining the current worth of an asset or company. It is used to determine the price at which a company can be bought or sold.

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