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Investing is the Study of Human Decision Making


This article examines the idea that investing is not just about generating a return on capital, but is also about the decision-making behavior of human beings when it comes to their finances. The author argues that in order to be better investors, we need to learn how to make better decisions. This can be applied to other areas of life, such as relationships, healthcare, and career success. The author defines investing as an art that requires imperfect information and probabilistic assessments about an unknowable future. He also encourages optimism when it comes to investing, as pessimism has historically been a losing bet against human ingenuity. Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of examining the process of decision-making, and not defaulting to auto-pilot.


What is the definition of investing according to the author?
The author defines investing as the decision-making behavior of human beings as they interact with money: What their financial desires are, the risks they embrace, how they think about wealth, and what emotional pain they willingly suffer in order to generate that return on capital.

What are the core skills associated with investing?
The core skills associated with investing are good judgment and decision making.

How can a deeper understanding of investing lead to a better life?
A deeper understanding of investing can lead to increased happiness, greater life satisfaction, and perhaps even becoming the best person you can be.

What is the author's definition of investing?
The author's definition of investing is "Investing is the art of using imperfect information to make probabilistic assessments about an inherently unknowable future."

How does behavioral economics come into play when it comes to investing?
Behavioral economics comes into play when it comes to investing by recognizing the way human behavior manifests itself in the way we make decisions. To be better investors, we have to learn how to make better decisions.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ Barry Ritholtz's article on investing is a great insight into how human decision making affects our financial outcomes. It provides a comprehensive look at how our decision making impacts our wealth, relationships, and health.

πŸ‘Ž Barry Ritholtz's article on investing is overly complicated and lacks concrete advice on how to use the information provided to make better decisions. It is filled with too much jargon and is hard to understand for those new to investing.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about investing and how it is actually the study of human decision making. It argues that in order to be successful investors, we must understand our own behaviors and how we make decisions, and that this is even more important than understanding the markets.

Friend: Interesting! So what are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, I think it emphasizes the importance of having a solid understanding of our own behavior when it comes to investing and decision-making. We need to be aware of our own biases and how they can influence our decisions, and make sure to have strategies in place to help us make better choices. It also underscores the importance of having an optimistic outlook and recognizing that even setbacks can be temporary. Finally, it suggests that investing requires a certain level of artistry that is not easily replicated, and that the only way to get better is to practice and hone our decision-making skills.

Action items

Technical terms

The act of putting money into assets with the expectation of making a return.
Return on Capital
The amount of money earned from an investment relative to the amount of money invested.
Problem-Solving Exercise
A task that requires the use of problem-solving skills to find a solution.
The process of making a choice between two or more options.
Behavioral Economics
The study of how people make decisions and how those decisions are affected by economic factors.
Asset Allocation
The process of dividing an investment portfolio among different asset classes.
Noise Levels
Unwanted or irrelevant information that can interfere with the decision-making process.

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