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The tone of a social media platform cannot be hidden and is set by the people who use it. This comment reflects on how Chief Xeet and his followers have created a toxic environment that has been made worse by Elon Musk's "dog whistles" and new moderation style. The comment suggests that people need to take responsibility for creating a positive tone on social media.


What effect does the crowd adoring Elon Musk have on the tone of a social media platform?
The effect that the crowd adoring Elon Musk has on the tone of a social media platform is that it is toxic.

What kind of comments do people make in defense of the chief Xeet?
People make comments like ā€œAnd yet youā€™re still hereā€ and ā€œYeah, go away, nothing of value would be lostā€ in defense of the chief Xeet.

How does the new ā€œmoderationā€ style affect the tone of the platform?
The new ā€œmoderationā€ style affects the tone of the platform by amplifying the effect of Musk's dog whistles.

What is the phrase ā€œyou set the toneā€ referring to?
The phrase ā€œyou set the toneā€ is referring to the idea that the tone of a social media platform is determined by the people who use it.

How can the tone of a social media platform not be hidden?
The tone of a social media platform cannot be hidden behind non-disclosures, fan obsession and physics setting the boundaries.

AI Comments

šŸ‘ This comment provides an insightful analysis of the toxicity of some social media platforms, and how it can be amplified by leadership and moderation styles.

šŸ‘Ž This comment generalizes the community and paints them all with the same brush, without providing any solutions to the problem.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how the tone of a social media platform can influence the people on it. It mentions how some people defending the chief Xeet and his antics tend to chase people off the platform with Xeets like "And yet you're still here" and "Yeah, go away, nothing of value would be lost", and how this can create a toxic atmosphere. It also mentions how the new "moderation" style, Musk's dog whistles and so on can add to this effect.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It's scary to think how much power one person or group can have over a platform like that.

Me: Yes, it's definitely a concern. It's important to be aware of the tone that's being set on social media and to make sure it's a constructive and inclusive one. Otherwise, it can be really damaging to the community.

Action items

Technical terms

Having or showing a penetrating and often startlingly accurate perception of a situation.
Anonymous Coward
A person who posts comments or messages on the internet without revealing their identity.
A post or comment on a social media platform.
Dog Whistle
A coded message or phrase that conveys a particular meaning to a particular group of people.
A legal agreement in which one or more parties agree not to disclose confidential information.
Fan Obsession
An intense and often irrational enthusiasm for a particular person, thing, or activity.
The scientific study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them.

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