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Le rôle du contrôleur de gestion s'est transformé au fur et à mesure de l'essor de l'industrie et de l'émergence de nouvelles technologies, ce qui lui a permis de s'engager dans des tâches à plus forte valeur ajoutée. La pandémie et la digitalisation associée ont accéléré cette transformation, et le contrôleur de gestion doit trouver sa place dans ce nouvel écosystème. La possibilité d'utiliser l'intelligence artificielle (IA) avec des outils de qualité des données, de modélisation et de simulation des revenus et des coûts, ainsi que des contrôles automatiques, le contrôleur de gestion est passé d'une tâche administrative à un partenaire commercial à temps plein. Cependant, l'IA ne peut pas remplacer complètement le rôle humain et le contrôleur de gestion doit trouver sa place aux côtés d'un analyste de données ou scientifique.


What is the role of the controller of management?
The role of the controller of management is to provide a prospective view of the company's activity from management indicators.

What new technologies have been introduced in the past decade to facilitate the controller of management’s job?
In the past decade, new technologies such as ERP, CRM, multidimensional data analysis (Essbase, TMI) and visualization (Business Objects) have been introduced to accelerate the ability to provide visibility and granularity.

How is the role of the controller of management changing due to the emergence of artificial intelligence?
The role of the controller of management is changing due to the emergence of artificial intelligence, as AI is being used to automate tasks, rationalize presentations, simplify architectures, and free up time.

What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of using AI in controllers of management?
The potential benefits of using AI in controllers of management include increased accuracy and efficiency, as well as the ability to anticipate the future based on analysis of large amounts of data. The potential drawbacks include the potential for errors and the lack of human intuition.

What is the future role of the controller of management in relation to AI?
The future role of the controller of management in relation to AI is to become a business partner, freed from administrative tasks, and to become an expert in interpretation alongside a data analyst or scientist.

AI Comments

👍 Cet article contient un grand nombre d'informations intéressantes et détaillées sur l'évolution du rôle du contrôleur de gestion face à l'intelligence artificielle.

👎 Cet article manque d'informations concrètes sur les moyens pratiques à mettre en place pour l'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle dans le contrôle de gestion.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the new role of the controller of management in the face of artificial intelligence. It looks at the history of the role and how AI is transforming it.

Friend: Interesting. So, what are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article highlights the importance of AI in the future of the controller of management. AI can help streamline processes and free up controllers to focus on more high-value tasks. It also discusses the need for controllers to find their place in this new AI-driven world, as AI can't replace humans yet. Finally, it emphasizes the need for controllers to be prepared and understand the implications of AI on their role.

Action items

Technical terms

A newspaper or magazine that expresses the opinions of its editors or owners.
Controleur de gestion
A financial manager responsible for monitoring and controlling the financial activities of an organization.
Enterprise resource planning, a business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate many back office functions related to technology, services and human resources.
Customer relationship management, a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers.
A multidimensional database management system used for business intelligence.
Total management information, a system of collecting, storing, and analyzing data to provide information for decision-making.
Business Objects
A suite of business intelligence tools used to create reports, dashboards, and data visualizations.
Data Warehouse
A system used for reporting and data analysis, and is considered a core component of business intelligence.
A computing model in which shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand over the Internet.
Machine Learning
A type of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
Big Data
A term used to describe a large volume of data that is too complex for traditional data processing applications.
Intelligence artificielle, a form of artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks.

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