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'금토일' 일하고 나흘 휴무.. 주 3일제 시범 운영하는 삼성전자


Samsung Electronics has announced plans to introduce a 'weekend-only work system' which would involve working only from Friday to Sunday. This system would be tested on employees in the equipment engineering group. There are two possible systems under consideration: a three-day workweek with 12 hour days on the weekends and holidays, and a four-day workweek with four days of work and three days off. This is the first time Samsung Electronics has tried out this type of work system, as they previously had a five-day workweek based on flexible working hours. The exact work system will be determined after the trial period is complete.


What is Samsung Electronics implementing as a trial?
Samsung Electronics is implementing a 'Weekend Dedication System' as a trial.

Who is the 'Weekend Dedication System' aimed at?
The 'Weekend Dedication System' is aimed at equipment technology engineers who work in the semiconductor production field.

What is the proposed work system?
The proposed work system is to work 12 hours on legal holidays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and to take the remaining weekdays off, or to work four days including weekends and take three days off.

What is the response of engineers to this system?
The response of engineers to this system is mixed, with some in favor and some preferring to maintain the current system.

How will the exact work system be determined?
The exact work system will be determined after the trial is conducted.

AI Comments

👍 It's great to see Samsung Electronics taking a step forward by trialing a three-day workweek system for their semiconductor production engineers. It is a great way to ensure that employees have time to rest and recharge, while also encouraging productivity and efficiency.

👎 Although it seems like a great idea to some employees, it could mean that those working on the weekends will be expected to work more hours, which could be a cause for concern for those who are already overworked.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Samsung Electronics introducing a new work system called the 'Weekend-Only System', which allows employees to work from Friday to Sunday and take the other four days off. They are conducting a survey to see if employees are in favor of the system.

Friend: Wow, that's interesting. What are the implications of this system?

Me: Well, it could help employees who are tired from working five days a week and give them more free time. It could also give them more time to spend with family or pursue hobbies. On the other hand, those who prefer the old five-day workweek may oppose the system because it could mean that they have to work more on weekends. We'll have to wait and see how the survey results turn out.

Action items

Technical terms

주 3일제
A three-day workweek system, where employees work three days a week and have four days off.
주말 전담제
A weekend-dedicated system, where employees work only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
A flexible work system, where employees can choose their own working hours and days.
설비 기술 엔지니어
Equipment technicians who inspect and modify semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
연차 설비 엔지니어
Equipment technicians who are on a fixed-term contract.

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