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Historia de como surgiu o design grafico e sua evolucao


O design gráfico surgiu na revolução industrial como tarefas de “artistas comerciais”, e desde então tem sido usado para comunicar ideias. As pinturas rupestres foram importantes para a população pré-histórica, usando madeira, osso e pedra para expressar seu cotidiano. A era da impressão litográfica trouxe designs coloridos e letras diferentes para influenciar o design comercial. As três funções básicas do design gráfico permanecem as mesmas, mas com a tecnologia dos computadores, novos padrões estéticos foram criados. A união da tecnologia e do design cria soluções personalizadas e modernas que ajudam as empresas a criar uma imagem inovadora.


What is the purpose of graphic design?
The purpose of graphic design is to develop or improve certain symbols to convey ideas.

How did graphic design evolve?
Graphic design evolved from the tasks of “commercial artists” in the Industrial Revolution, and the profession of graphic design emerged in the 20th century. With the introduction of lithography, larger designs with different colors and fonts became possible, and this influenced editorial and commercial design. In the 1980s, professionals began to explore the benefits of computers, changing the aesthetic standards of design.

What are the three basic functions of graphic design?
The three basic functions of graphic design are identification, notification and guidance, introduction and promotion.

What impact has technology had on graphic design?
Technology has had a major impact on graphic design, allowing for automation of the environment and improved environmental efficiency. It has also enabled the creation of personalized experiences, as people are accustomed to technological solutions.

What is the combination of technology and design commonly used for?
The combination of technology and design is commonly used to create personalized solutions to old problems, as well as to create innovative images and solutions that align with a brand.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great source of information on the history and evolution of graphic design. It is well-written and provides a clear overview of the development of this important artistic field.

👎 This article lacks any real depth in its discussion of the history of graphic design. It fails to provide any meaningful insights into the field's development.

AI Discussion

Me: It discusses the history of graphic design and its evolution. It looks at how it started with the industrial revolution and how it's changed over the years. It also talks about how technology and design have combined to create a new trend.

Friend: Interesting! So what are the implications of this article?

Me: One implication is that graphic design has come a long way since the industrial revolution, and technology has played a big part in its evolution. It's also becoming more important to use technology and design together to create personalized, modern solutions. This article also emphasizes the importance of graphic designers and their role in creating unique visuals that help to promote and advertise products and services.

Action items

Technical terms

Revolução Industrial
Um período de grandes mudanças tecnológicas e sociais na Europa e nos Estados Unidos entre o final do século XVIII e o início do século XIX.
Design Gráfico
Uma forma de arte que usa imagens, texto e outros elementos para criar mensagens visuais.
O estudo e a prática de criar e usar letras e fontes de texto.
Um processo de impressão usado para produzir imagens coloridas em grandes formatos.
Um processo de gravura em que uma imagem é gravada em uma placa de madeira e, em seguida, impressa em papel.
Gravura em metal
Um processo de gravura em que uma imagem é gravada em uma placa de metal e, em seguida, impressa em papel.
Um processo de captura de imagens usando luz.
Um protótipo de design usado para testar e demonstrar como um produto ou serviço funcionará.

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