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One in four desk workers don’t feel trusted at work, research finds


A new study from Slack has found that one in four desk workers don't feel trusted at work. Employees who feel trusted report higher levels of productivity, focus and satisfaction, and are more likely to go above and beyond at work. Trusted employees also report lower levels of anxiety and stress. HR has a central role in managing organisational trust, and must work to break down social taboos around discussing finances at work and foster a team dynamic with high levels of trust.


What percentage of desk workers do not feel trusted in their workplace?
25% of desk workers do not feel trusted in their workplace.

How does a lack of trust impact employee productivity, focus and satisfaction?
Employees who do not feel trusted report more than twice the usual levels of anxiety and stress, 2.1 times worse access to relevant work resources and networks, and 4.2 times lower sense of belonging.

What strategies can HR use to foster trust in an organisation?
HR can foster trust in an organisation by exploring where trust is lacking, and why, and then working out from this foundation. They should also be visible, give their colleagues a reason to trust them, open up clear and effective communication channels across the organisation, and be transparent in their actions.

What are the effects of a manager who does not feel trusted by their employer?
Managers who do not feel trusted by their employer are twice as likely to express doubts about the work ethic of their direct reports.

What are the benefits of employees feeling trusted by their employer?
Employees who feel trusted are more likely to go above and beyond at work, have better focus, higher productivity, and greater overall satisfaction with work.

AI Comments

👍 This research from Slack is very insightful and provides valuable information for employers to understand how trust between employees and employers is beneficial for both sides.

👎 It is concerning that one in four desk workers do not feel trusted at work, which could lead to higher levels of anxiety and stress and staff shortages.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how one in four desk workers don't feel trusted at work, according to a recent research. The study also found that employees who don't feel trusted are more than twice as likely to look for a new job.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of this?

Me: The implications are that if employers don't foster trust between employees and the employer, it can have serious consequences for the business. For example, employees who don't feel trusted are more likely to have lower productivity, focus, and satisfaction levels. They're also more likely to experience higher levels of anxiety and stress, and look for a new job, which can be costly for businesses. HR has a central role in managing organisational trust, so it's important that employers take steps to build trust within their organisation.

Action items

Technical terms

Desk workers
Employees who work at a desk, typically in an office environment.
Human Resources. The department responsible for managing personnel within an organisation.
A feeling of confidence in someone or something.
Virtuous cycle
A cycle of positive reinforcement.
Trickle-down problems
Problems that arise from a lack of trust and are felt by those lower down in the organisation.
An incorrect or mistaken belief.
Open and honest.

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