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Why Danny Masterson May Not Serve His Entire 30-Year Sentence, According To A Legal Expert


Actor Danny Masterson was convicted of two counts of rape by force and sentenced to 30 years to life in prison. Legal experts believe that Masterson did not receive any special treatment as a celebrity and that the sentence is the maximum he could have received. However, due to it being a strike offense he may only have to serve 25 and a half years. Many of Masterson's family and friends were in court for the sentencing, including his wife, Bijou Phillips, and former Scientologist, Leah Remini, who felt the conviction and sentence are indictments against the Scientology church.


How did Danny Masterson receive his 30-year sentence?
Danny Masterson received his 30-year sentence from Judge Charlaine Olmedo after being convicted of two counts of rape by force or fear.

What is the maximum sentence Masterson could have received?
The maximum sentence Masterson could have received was 45 years to life in state prison.

What is the likelihood that Masterson will serve his entire 30-year sentence?
The likelihood that Masterson will serve his entire 30-year sentence is low, as he is eligible to receive only 15% for good time/work time credits.

How did Danny Masterson's celebrity status affect his sentencing?
Danny Masterson's celebrity status did not work in his favor and may have hurt him, as the court wanted to set an example of the consequences of harming someone.

What role did Scientology play in Masterson's trials and sentencing?
Scientology played a significant role in both of Masterson's trials, as all of the victims were Scientologists when they were assaulted but have since left the church. Additionally, former Scientologist Leah Remini was in court for the sentencing and commented on the dangers of going against the church.

AI Comments

👍 It is commendable that the judge was willing to remain impartial and not be swayed by Danny Masterson's celebrity status or powerful connections with Scientology. It is also admirable that Leah Remini showed her support for the victims and spoke out against Scientology and its leader.

👎 It is concerning that Danny Masterson may not serve his entire sentence due to California law; his victims have waited a long time for justice and deserve to see a full sentence served. It is also concerning that the Church of Scientology has been able to use its resources and relationships to avoid justice in the past.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Danny Masterson's recent sentencing of 30 years to life in prison for rape conviction. A legal expert believes he may not serve the entire sentence, as it is considered a strike offense and he will likely only have to do 85% of that time. The article discusses his celebrity status and how it may have affected the length of his sentence, as well as the role Scientology played in both trials.

Friend: Wow. That is a long sentence. Do you think justice was served?

Me: Yes, I think justice was served. The article mentions that 30 years is what one would expect for someone accused of such serious crimes, and that Masterson did not receive special treatment as a celebrity. The judge was not swayed by Masterson's celebrity status or powerful connections with Scientology. The sentence sends a strong message that accountability has no expiration date, even if the accusations are decades old.

Action items

Technical terms

Hung Jury
A jury that is unable to reach a unanimous verdict on a case.
Strike Offense
A crime that is considered to be more serious than other offenses and is subject to harsher penalties.
One after the other in a series.
Mercy or forgiveness shown toward someone who could be given a harsher punishment.
Good Time/Work Time Credits
A reduction in the amount of time an offender must serve in prison due to good behavior or participation in work programs.
A strong attraction or appeal.
Rip Current
A powerful, narrow current of water that flows away from the shore.
Outstandingly bad; shocking.

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