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Build and release an iOS app


This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough of releasing a Flutter app to the App Store and TestFlight. It covers preliminaries such as registering a Bundle ID, creating an application record on App Store Connect, and reviewing Xcode project settings. Steps are also provided for updating the app’s deployment version, adding an app icon and launch image, creating a build archive and uploading to App Store Connect, creating an app bundle, uploading the app bundle to App Store Connect, and releasing the app to the App Store. Troubleshooting tips are also provided.


What is required to build and release an iOS app?
Xcode is required to build and release an iOS app.

How do you register an App Bundle ID?
To register a Bundle ID for an app, open the App IDs page of the developer account, click + to create a new Bundle ID, enter an app name, select Explicit App ID, and enter an ID, select the services the app uses, then click Continue and confirm the details before clicking Register.

What are the steps to register an app on App Store Connect?
To register an app on App Store Connect, open App Store Connect in the browser, click My Apps, click + in the top-left corner of the My Apps page, then select New App, fill in the app details in the form that appears, ensure that iOS is checked, and select the Bundle ID registered in the preceding step.

How do you upload an app bundle to App Store Connect?
To upload an app bundle to App Store Connect, use the Apple Transport macOS app, drag and drop the .ipa app bundle into the app, or upload the app bundle from the command line by running xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios -f build/ios/ipa/*.ipa --apiKey your_api_key --apiIssuer your_issuer_id.

What is the process for releasing an app to TestFlight or the App Store?
The process for releasing an app to TestFlight or the App Store involves updating the app's build and version numbers, creating an app bundle, uploading the app bundle to App Store Connect, creating a build archive with Codemagic CLI tools, releasing the app on TestFlight, and releasing the app to the App Store.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive guide to releasing a Flutter app to the App Store and TestFlight. It has clearly outlined each step of the process, with detailed instructions and helpful troubleshooting tips.

👎 This article is very long and is difficult to follow due to the sheer amount of information. It could benefit from being more concise and structured in order to make the process easier to understand.

AI Discussion

Me: It provides a step-by-step guide for releasing a Flutter app to the App Store and TestFlight. It covers topics like registering a Bundle ID, creating an application record on App Store Connect, reviewing Xcode project settings, updating the app’s deployment version, adding an app icon, creating a build archive and uploading to App Store Connect, and creating a build archive with Codemagic CLI tools.

Friend: Wow, that's a lot to take in! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, releasing a Flutter app to the App Store and TestFlight is an involved process that requires knowledge of App Store Connect, Xcode, and the Codemagic CLI tools. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the process, which can help developers save time and produce a better product. Additionally, by understanding the process of releasing an app on the App Store, developers can ensure that their apps comply with Apple's App Review Guidelines.

Action items

Technical terms

The process of compiling source code into an executable program.
The process of making a software product available to the public.
The process of making a software product available for use.
The operating system used on Apple devices such as iPhones and iPads.
App Store Connect
A web-based platform used to manage apps on the Apple App Store.
Bundle ID
A unique identifier registered with Apple for each iOS application.
An integrated development environment (IDE) used to develop software for Apple devices.
App Review Guidelines
A set of rules and guidelines that must be followed when submitting an app to the Apple App Store.
Apple Developer Program
A membership program that allows developers to publish apps on the Apple App Store.
A platform used to distribute apps to internal and external testers.
A mobile app SDK used to develop apps for iOS and Android.
A key used to specify the user-facing version number of an iOS app.
A key used to specify the build number of an iOS app.
The process of making code difficult to understand or reverse engineer.
Split Debug Info
A flag used to split debug information into separate files.
A type of app distribution used to distribute apps to a limited number of users.
A type of app distribution used to distribute apps to testers.
A type of app distribution used to distribute apps to employees.
Export Options Plist
A property list used to specify options for exporting an app.
A command line tool used to upload apps to App Store Connect.
Codemagic CLI Tools
A set of command line tools used to automate operations with App Store Connect.

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