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Petronio en el Anacreon castellano de Quevedo: algunas consideraciones y conjeturas Marcos Carmignani


This article examines the citations of Petronio's Satyricon present in Francisco de Quevedo's Anacreon castellano in order to understand Quevedo's particular modus citandi and determine the edition of the Satyricon he used at the time. The article includes an extensive bibliography of classical and modern sources related to Petronio and Quevedo. The contents of this article are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


What are the objectives of Marcos Carmignani's article?
The objectives of Marcos Carmignani's article are to expose the particular modus citandi of Francisco de Quevedo, examine the text of Petronio cited and attempt to determine the possible edition of the Satyricon that Quevedo used in this period.

What is the particular modus citandi of Francisco de Quevedo?
The particular modus citandi of Francisco de Quevedo is the way in which he cites sources.

What is the possible edition of the Satyricon that Quevedo used?
The possible edition of the Satyricon that Quevedo used is not determined in the article.

What sources does the article refer to?
The article refers to sources such as Beck, Bergk, Blaya Andreu, Blecua, Blumner, Bucheler, Buendia, Burman, Corso, Delz, Diaz y Diaz, Does, Elsner, Ernout, Fernandez-Guerra, Fraenkel, Gallego Moya, Goldast, Gonzalez de Salas, Habermehl, LSJ, Menendez Pelayo, Moya del Bano, Muller, Mureto, OLD, Pithou, Priuli, Richard, Roncero, Sancha, Schmeling, Schreiber, Schwartz, Setaioli, Stephanus, Tournes, Vannini, Wade Richardson, West, Wower, Wustmann, and Zotou.

How is the content of the article distributed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) licence?
The content of the article is distributed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) licence, which requires that the source of the content be explicitly stated when necessary.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an in-depth analysis of the Satyricon of Petronius in Quevedo's Anacreon castellano and offers an excellent overview of the various editions and commentaries of the text.

👎 The article lacks a clear conclusion about the possible edition of the Satyricon used by Quevedo in this period.

AI Discussion

Me: It looks at the citations of Petronio's Satyricon present in Francisco de Quevedo's Anacreon castellano. The article looks at the particular citation style used by Quevedo and tries to determine which edition of the Satyricon he was using.

Friend: That's interesting. What implications does the article have?

Me: Well, the article shows how Quevedo was influenced by Petronio's work and provides evidence for which edition of the Satyricon he was using. It also shows how important it is to cite your sources properly in order to ensure accuracy and respect for the original authors. This is especially important for those who work in fields that require extensive research.

Action items

Technical terms

Petronius, a Roman author of the 1st century AD, best known for his work the Satyricon.
Anacreon castellano
Anacreon Castellano is a collection of poems by Spanish poet Francisco de Quevedo, written in the style of the ancient Greek poet Anacreon.
Modus citandi
Latin for "mode of citing", a term used to refer to the way in which a writer or speaker cites sources.
Digital Object Identifier, a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet.
Palabras clave
Spanish for "keywords", terms used to describe the content of an article or other document.
Spanish for "summary", a brief overview of the main points of an article or other document.
Spanish for "downloads", the process of copying a file from a remote computer to a local one.
Ver citas
Spanish for "see citations", a reference to the list of citations at the end of an article or other document.
Spanish for "citations", references to other works that are used to support the arguments in an article or other document.

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