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Google Docs is an online word processor included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google, which also includes: Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drawings, Google Forms, Google Sites and Google Keep. It was first released in 2006 and is available in over 100 languages. It can be accessed with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account. It allows users to create, edit, share and collaborate on documents from any device, and features a Material You makeover with a revamped look. It is free to use and available for Android and iOS devices.


What is Google Docs?
Google Docs is an online word processor included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google.

Is Google Docs free to use?
Yes, Google Docs is free to use.

How do I access Google Docs?
You can access Google Docs with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).

What features does Google Docs offer?
Google Docs offers features such as creating, editing, and collaborating on online documents, secure sharing in real-time, and from any device.

What platforms does Google Docs support?
Google Docs supports platforms such as Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, BlackBerry OS, and ChromeOS.

AI Comments

👍 The article provides a comprehensive overview of Google Docs and its features, making it easy to understand how to use the program.

👎 The article does not provide any information on how to troubleshoot or fix problems with Google Docs.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Google Docs - an online document editor. It explains how to use it, what it offers and how to access it.

Friend: That's really cool. What are the implications of it?

Me: Well, Google Docs has a lot of potential. It provides a platform for people to collaborate on documents in real-time, from any device. It also has a range of features, such as templates, formatting tools and secure sharing options. This could have a huge impact on how people interact and collaborate online. It could also change the way businesses and organizations manage their documents and communication.

Action items

Technical terms

Accessibility links
Links that allow users with disabilities to access content on a website.
Skip to main content
A link that allows users to skip directly to the main content of a page, bypassing any navigation or other elements.
Accessibility help
Information or assistance that is provided to help users with disabilities access content on a website.
Accessibility feedback
A form or other method of providing feedback to a website about how accessible it is for users with disabilities.
Press / to jump to the search box
A keyboard shortcut that allows users to quickly jump to the search box on a page.
A command that allows users to delete a file or other item.
Report inappropriate predictions
A feature that allows users to report predictions that are inappropriate or inaccurate.
Filters and topics
Features that allow users to filter search results by topic or other criteria.
Google Docs
Online Document Editor | Google Workspace: A web-based document editor offered by Google as part of its Google Workspace suite of products.
- Google Docs
A page that allows users to sign in to their Google Docs account.
Google Docs
Computer program: A web-based word processor offered by Google as part of its Google Docs Editors suite of products.
A brief explanation of a product or service.
Initial release date
The date when a product or service was first released.
The company or individual responsible for creating a product or service.
The operating system or other environment in which a product or service runs.
Operating system
The software that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer.
Available in
The languages in which a product or service is available.
Programming languages
The languages in which a product or service is written.
The ability to use a product or service.
The space between the edge of a document and the text or other content.
The act of deleting or removing a file or other item.
The act of beginning or initiating a process.

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