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Practices and meanings associated with the preparation and consumption of ceviche, an expression of Peruvian traditional cuisine


This article discusses ceviche, a popular dish in Peru that has been around for centuries. It examines the cultural practices and meanings associated with the preparation and consumption of ceviche, and how it is an expression of Peruvian traditional cuisine. It includes nomination forms in both English and French, and consent of communities in both Spanish and English, as well as an inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in English and Spanish.


What is ceviche?
Ceviche is a traditional Peruvian dish made with raw fish or seafood marinated in citrus juices, such as lemon or lime, and spiced with ají, chili peppers, and other seasonings.

What practices and meanings are associated with the preparation and consumption of ceviche?
Practices and meanings associated with the preparation and consumption of ceviche include the use of fresh ingredients, the blending of flavors, and the sharing of the dish among family and friends.

What languages are used on the nomination form, consent of communities, and ICH inventory?
The nomination form, consent of communities, and ICH inventory are written in English and French.

What is the significance of ceviche as an expression of Peruvian traditional cuisine?
Ceviche is an expression of Peruvian traditional cuisine that reflects the country's cultural heritage and its unique culinary traditions.

What cultural elements are reflected in the preparation and consumption of ceviche?
Cultural elements reflected in the preparation and consumption of ceviche include the use of fresh ingredients, the blending of flavors, and the sharing of the dish among family and friends.

AI Comments

👍 This article does an excellent job of exploring the practices and meanings associated with Peruvian traditional cuisine and the preparation and consumption of ceviche. It is great to see that the nomination form, consent of communities, and ICH inventory are provided in both English and Spanish.

👎 The article does not provide enough detail about the specific practices, meanings, and ingredients associated with ceviche. Additionally, it is unclear what the content of the nomination form, consent of communities, and ICH inventory is.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the practices and meanings associated with the preparation and consumption of ceviche, which is an expression of Peruvian traditional cuisine.

Friend: Interesting. What kind of implications does it have?

Me: Well, it's nomination form is in English and French, its consent of communities is in Spanish and English, and its ICH inventory is in English and Spanish. This means that multiple languages are being used and that the article is trying to promote cultural awareness and appreciation in different languages. This could have implications for how cultural heritage is managed in different countries, as it is important to recognize the cultural practices of different communities. Moreover, it could also promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

Action items

Technical terms

A traditional Peruvian dish made with raw fish or seafood marinated in citrus juice, such as lemon or lime, and spiced with ají, chili peppers, and other seasonings.
Nomination form
A document used to nominate a cultural practice or expression for inclusion in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.
Consent of communities
A document that must be signed by the communities involved in the practice or expression in order to be included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.
ICH inventory
A list of cultural practices and expressions that have been nominated for inclusion in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

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