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Kosmische goudkoorts: bedrijven willen asteroiden delven, maar gaat dat lukken?


Er zijn verschillende bedrijven die plannen hebben om zeldzame metalen vanuit de ruimte naar de aarde te brengen. De metalen, zoals platina en palladium, zijn schaars op aarde en worden gebruikt in auto's, batterijen, mobiele telefoons en medische apparatuur. Hoewel de techniek voor het delven van deze metalen niet het probleem is, is het vooral de vraag of het commercieel haalbaar is omdat de kosten groot zijn. Er zijn bedrijven, zoals Karman+ en SpaceX, die hiermee bezig zijn en er worden stappen gezet om dit mogelijk te maken. Hoewel er landen zijn die het delven van asteroiden hebben goedgekeurd, is er nog geen algemene overeenkomst door de Verenigde Naties.


What are asteroid mining companies attempting to do?
Asteroid mining companies are attempting to bring rare metals from asteroids in space to Earth.

How much is a kilo of platinum worth?
A kilo of platinum is worth around 30,000 euro.

What are the potential costs of asteroid mining projects?
The potential costs of asteroid mining projects include research, personnel, and maintenance costs.

How much does a ride on a Falcon 9 rocket cost?
A ride on a Falcon 9 rocket currently costs around 1.3 million euro.

Is it legally allowed to bring rare metals from asteroids to Earth?
It is not legally allowed to bring rare metals from asteroids to Earth yet, as there is no general agreement on the matter.

AI Comments

👍 This article is incredibly informative and provides a comprehensive overview of the potential for asteroid mining. It is an eye-opening read for anyone interested in the topic.

👎 The article does not provide enough detail on the practicalities involved in asteroid mining or the costs associated with it.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about asteroid mining and how companies are trying to bring rare metals from space to Earth. It discusses the feasibility and legality of the project, as well as the costs associated with it.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of this project?

Me: Well, if successful, it could provide a new source of rare metals for industrial use and could potentially reduce the cost of these materials. However, there are a lot of economic and legal considerations that need to be taken into account before companies can start mining asteroids. In addition, the technology required to make asteroid mining a reality is still in its early stages, so it may take some time before it can become a viable industry.

Action items

Technical terms

Kosmische goudkoorts
A term used to describe the current enthusiasm for asteroid mining.
Asteroid mining
The process of extracting resources from asteroids.
Platinum group metals (PGMs)
A group of metals including platinum and palladium that are used in many industrial applications.
A program offered by SpaceX that allows companies to purchase space on their reusable Falcon 9 rockets.
A large block of metal, such as platinum, that is worth millions of euros.
A device used to filter metal from asteroids.
Verenigde Naties
The United Nations, an international organization that works to promote peace and security.

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