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The role of CIOs, data and technology in delivering sustainability for organizations


This article discusses the role of CIOs in helping organizations become more sustainable. CIOs are data-oriented, good storytellers, and can act as business brokers to help their organization understand and reduce their environmental impact. CIOs must understand the environmental footprint of technology and use data tools to enable the organization to be more sustainable. Regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation are pushing organizations to be more transparent about their practices. Technology can help organizations become more sustainable, but CIOs must also be aware of their own Scope 3 emissions. CIOs must use data and analytical tools to understand and reduce their emissions.


What role do CIOs have in leading organizations towards Net Zero CO2 goals?
CIOs have the data and the mindset to put actionable insight into people's hands, and they have the ability to bring together the dreamers and the idealists to drive sustainability.

What is the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)?
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a regulation adopted by the European Parliament that requires all large companies trading in the European Union (EU) to disclose data on the sustainability risks the organization is exposed to.

How is technology both part of the solution and a significant polluter?
Technology is responsible for up to 400 megatonnes of CO2 equivalent gases emissions a year and forms a Scope 3 emission.

What is the purpose of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol?
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is the world's most widely-used greenhouse gas accounting standard and defines three emissions scopes that organizations have to monitor and report to regulators and customers.

How can CIOs use data technologies to reduce emissions?
CIOs can use data technologies to understand their emissions, create digital twins of the organization to input sustainability parameters to and measure the impact, and calculate their storage savings footprint.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an excellent overview of the role of CIOs in helping companies become more sustainable and the data tools that can be used to achieve this.

👎 The article fails to address the potential environmental impact of the technology solutions it suggests, leaving readers with a one-sided view of the issue.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the role of CIOs, data and technology in delivering sustainability for organizations. It talks about how CIOs have a powerful position to drive sustainability and how technology can be part of the solution to the climate emergency but can also be a significant polluter. It also talks about how organizations have to monitor and report emissions across 3 scopes: direct, indirect, and supply chain.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of the article?

Me: The implications of the article are that CIOs have a responsibility to use their data and leadership skills to lead organizations towards net zero CO2 goals and to make their organizations more sustainable. They also have to understand and monitor their organization's emissions across the three scopes in order to report to regulators and customers. Technology can be both a part of the solution and a significant polluter, so CIOs have to be mindful of the environmental impact of the technology they use. Finally, CIOs have to embrace data technologies to understand how they can reduce emissions and be part of the solution to the climate emergency.

Action items

Technical terms

Chief Information Officers, responsible for the information technology and computer systems that support enterprise goals.
Information, usually in the form of numbers, words, or images, that can be processed by a computer.
The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
Net Zero CO2
A goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to zero, or offsetting them with carbon dioxide removal.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
A global standard for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions.
Scope 1
Direct emissions, in effect, the emissions within the confines of the enterprise building.
Scope 2
Indirect emissions from the energy the business acquires from an electricity generator, for example.
Scope 3
Indirect emissions from the supply chain, which covers everything from logistics companies to outsourced and cloud technology services.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG’s)
A set of 17 global goals set by the United Nations to achieve a more sustainable future for all.

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