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15 Ways IoT Tech Can Help Companies Provide A Better CX


This article discusses how companies across industries can leverage the functionality and capabilities of IoT technology to improve the customer experience. Specific examples are given of ways IoT technology can be used, including personalizing company websites, tracking and managing assets, monitoring and adjusting supply chains, providing automated, personalized communications, reducing food waste, providing remote support and services, and more.


How can companies leverage the functionality and capabilities of IoT technology to improve the customer experience?
Companies can leverage the functionality and capabilities of IoT technology to improve the customer experience by personalizing company websites, tracking and managing assets, monitoring and adjusting supply chains, providing automated, personalized communications, reducing food waste, providing remote support and services, sending real-time health data to medical providers, monitoring space assets, tracking movement patterns within stores, sending targeted in-store notifications, collecting data on the ways customers use products, analyzing remote vehicle diagnostics and sending software updates, providing timely service updates to customers, ensuring fair prices and product availability, and filling gaps in the service experience.

How can IoT technology be used to improve supply chain management?
Companies can use the IoT to monitor their supply chains by placing IoT devices on trucks and trains, or they can be used to track products through warehouses, allowing companies to get real-time information on how well their supply chain is functioning. This allows them to identify bottlenecks before they happen and make adjustments as needed.

What are some ways that companies can use IoT technology to personalize customer communications?
Companies can leverage the IoT to provide automated, ultra-personalized communications to their customers, making the most of micro-moments. IoT integrations add a further dimension to traditional contact center communications, introducing a continuous feed of data from the customer in the form of smart meter readings, healthcare monitoring or wellness device outputs.

How can IoT technology be used to reduce food waste?
Integrating 5G IoT sensors in the restaurant industry to manage supply and demand and automate the end-to-end food flow process at each step—from the kitchen all the way to the consumer’s plate—can help reduce food waste. This can be a good use case to not only address climate change and hunger, but to also improve the customer experience.

What are some ways that companies can utilize IoT technology to provide remote support and services to customers?
Companies can leverage the IoT by providing remote support and services using connected devices. For example, IoT-enabled products can allow customers to access real-time customer service, receive product updates and troubleshooting instructions, and even remotely control their devices. This can help companies provide a more tailored customer experience and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This article provides a comprehensive list of ways that companies can use IoT technology to improve their customers' experience.

đź‘Ž The article does not go into enough detail about how to implement the proposed solutions, leaving readers with more questions than answers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how companies can use Internet of Things (IoT) technology to provide better customer experience. It talks about 15 different ways that IoT tech can help improve customer experience, like personalizing websites, tracking and managing assets, monitoring and adjusting supply chains, and providing automated, personalized communications.

Friend: That's really interesting. It sounds like IoT technology is a great way to improve customer experience.

Me: Absolutely. Companies can also use IoT to reduce food waste and provide remote support and services. And it can even be used in the medical industry to provide real-time health data to medical providers. It's a great tool for companies to better understand their customers and improve their customer experience.

Action items

Technical terms

IoT (Internet of Things)
A network of physical objects (devices, vehicles, buildings, etc.) that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, enabling them to collect and exchange data.
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
A branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans.
IAM (Identity and Access Management)
A framework of policies and technologies that enables organizations to manage digital identities and control access to resources.
The fifth generation of cellular network technology, which is expected to provide faster speeds and more reliable connections than previous generations.
Smart Meter
A device that measures and records energy usage in real time.
Electronic devices that are worn on the body, such as fitness trackers or smartwatches.
Small, low-powered transmitters that use Bluetooth technology to send signals to nearby devices.

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