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The Only Way to Be Confident


This article discusses the common "confidence conundrum" which is the idea that in order to be happy, loved, or successful, you have to be confident first, but to be confident you have to have those things first. It suggests that simply believing you lack nothing won't make you more confident, nor will external improvement. In order to be confident, one must learn to become comfortable with what they lack. This can be done by learning to be comfortable with failure, rejection, and getting hurt. Ultimately, the article argues that comfort with negative experiences can lead to the most positive outcomes.


What is the confidence conundrum?
The confidence conundrum is the idea that in order to be happy or loved or successful, one needs to be confident, but to be confident, one needs to be happy or loved or successful.

What is the difference between external and internal sources of confidence?
External sources of confidence are derived from the world around you, while internal sources of confidence are rooted in one's perception of themselves regardless of any tangible external reality.

How can one become more confident?
One can become more confident by becoming comfortable with what they lack, accepting failure as an inevitable part of living, and engaging without judgment.

What is the main message of the article?
The main message of the article is that the only way to be truly confident is to become comfortable with what one lacks.

How does one become comfortable with failure?
One can become comfortable with failure by realizing that failure is simply part of learning how their market works and is a reflection of their lack of knowledge, not a reflection of who they are as a person.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article is really insightful and offers some great advice on how to build confidence through becoming comfortable with failure.

πŸ‘Ž This article is overly long and could have been condensed to make it easier to read.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the only way to be confident. The author talks about the confidence conundrum, how confidence isn't necessarily linked to any external marker, and how to build confidence through failure.

Friend: That's interesting. What do you think the implications of the article are?

Me: Well, I think it's important to remember that confidence doesn't come from external sources, it comes from within. We need to be comfortable with our failures and accept that they are a part of life. We also need to be comfortable with rejection and not be afraid to be vulnerable. That's the only way to truly build confidence.

Action items

Technical terms

Confidence Conundrum
A situation in which it is difficult to be confident because of a lack of experience or success in a certain area.
External Marker
A tangible measurement of success or achievement.
Incremental, External Improvement
Making small changes to the external aspects of one's life in order to build confidence.
Open to emotional or physical harm.

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