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The United Nations and the Future of Global Governance


This expert roundup features the thoughts of four experts about the role of the United Nations and the future of global governance. Philippe Moreau Defarges of the Institut Français des Relations Internationals, Fen Osler Hampson, Paul Heinbecker, and Gordon S. Smith of the Centre for International Governance Innovation, Michael Fullilove of the Lowy Institute for International Policy, and Xue Lei of Shanghai’s Center for Maritime and Polar Studies all contribute their thoughts. They discuss the need for a universal social contract, balancing world powers, garnering regional support, and fostering trust. They also discuss the UN's role in providing legitimacy to international interventions, the need for reform of the United Nations, and the role of minilateral groups such as the G20. Finally, they discuss Australia's candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council and the need for a new global consensus.


What are the three main preconditions for successful global governance according to Philippe Moreau Defarges?
The three main preconditions for successful global governance according to Philippe Moreau Defarges are balancing world powers, garnering regional support, and fostering an environment of trust.

What role does the UN have in providing legitimacy to international interventions?
The UN has a role in providing legitimacy to international interventions by providing the broadest legitimacy, though it does not guarantee immunity from controversy.

How have the G20 minilateral groups helped the UN move forward?
The G20 minilateral groups have helped the UN move forward by providing a forum where states can come together to discuss mutual problems, and by providing a way for the Security Council to confer legitimacy on the use of force, or deny it.

What are the two main camps of UN commentators?
The two main camps of UN commentators are groupies and bashers.

What areas of reform does the UN need to address in order to adapt to a changing world?
The UN needs to address reform of its institutional framework and working approaches of member agencies, the outdated membership configuration of the Security Council, and the selection process (and empowerment) of the secretary general in order to adapt to a changing world.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an in-depth look at the role of the United Nations and the challenges facing global governance today. It is packed with insightful analysis from a variety of experts and is a great resource for anyone looking to better understand the current state of international relations.

👎 This article fails to offer any concrete solutions for improving the UN and global governance. It is simply a collection of thoughts and opinions from experts that does not provide any tangible advice.

AI Discussion

Me: It discusses the role of the United Nations and the future of global governance. It discusses the need for balancing powers, garnering regional support, and fostering trust to ensure successful global governance. It also looks at the need for reform in the UN Security Council and the selection process for the Secretary General. It also looks at the potential of minilateral groups like the G20 to help the UN move forward.

Friend: That's really interesting. It sounds like the UN is going to have to adapt to reflect the geopolitical power shifts from West to East. It's also concerning that the Security Council is outdated in terms of its membership configuration.

Me: Yeah, these are definitely important issues that the UN needs to address. It's also clear that minilateral groups like the G20 can play a role in helping the UN move forward.

Action items

Technical terms

Council of Councils
An initiative of the International Peace Institute, the Council of Councils is a global network of regional councils that provides a platform for dialogue and exchange among foreign policy experts from around the world.
Institut Français des Relations Internationals (IFRI)
A French think tank that focuses on international relations and global governance.
A group of twenty major economies that meet regularly to discuss global economic and financial issues.
A form of international cooperation that involves a small number of countries working together to achieve a common goal.
Turtle Bay
A nickname for the United Nations headquarters in New York City.
Rule-based international order
A system of international relations based on the principles of international law and the rule of law.
Security Council
The main body of the United Nations responsible for maintaining international peace and security.
State building
The process of creating a functioning state with a legitimate government and a strong economy.
Millennium Development Goals
A set of eight goals adopted by the United Nations in 2000 to reduce poverty and improve the lives of people around the world.
Macroeconomic Governance
The process of setting and implementing policies to ensure macroeconomic stability.

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