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EnBW-Chef: Stromtrasse SuedLink darf sich nicht verzogern


Der EnBW-Chef Andreas Schell betont die Bedeutung der Stromtrasse SuedLink, die Windenergie aus dem Norden in den Süden transportiert, als Schlusselprojekt der Energiewende in Deutschland. Am Donnerstag wird Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck zum Baubeginn eines Konverters in Leingarten bei Heilbronn erwartet. Ursprünglich sollte SuedLink schon 2019 fertiggestellt werden, das Ziel ist jetzt 2028. Das Investitionsvolumen beträgt rund 10 Milliarden Euro. Der Engpass sind Genehmigungen, denn es braucht mindestens 8000 Transportgenehmigungen und die Trasse verläuft durch 20.000 Grundstücke. Schell appelliert an die Behörden, Anträge schnell zu bearbeiten und Möglichkeiten zu suchen, um Zeit zu sparen. Er möchte auch, dass der Protest gegen solche Stromtrassen gesellschaftlich diskutiert wird.


What is the purpose of the 700 km-long Stromautobahn?
The purpose of the 700 km-long Stromautobahn is to transport wind energy from the north to the industrial south of Germany.

When is the expected completion date for the Stromtrasse SuedLink?
The expected completion date for the Stromtrasse SuedLink is 2028.

What are the necessary components of Energiewende in Germany?
The necessary components of Energiewende in Germany are the expansion of renewable energy sources, flexible power plants, and transmission networks.

What are the most complex components of the SuedLink project?
The most complex components of the SuedLink project are the cables, which have the diameter of a handball and weigh 42 kilograms per meter.

How are the associated costs with SuedLink being addressed?
The associated costs with SuedLink are being addressed by discussing the possibility of group approvals for transport and by discussing the protests against such power lines.

AI Comments

👍 Der EnBW-Chef ist sehr engagiert beim Bau der Stromtrasse SuedLink und hat ein klares Ziel vor Augen, die Energiewende in Deutschland voranzutreiben.

👎 Es besteht immer noch Widerstand gegen dieses Projekt, da die Kosten durch die Untertunnelung der Elbe nach oben getrieben werden.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the need to speed up the building of a new power line from the north to the south of Germany called SuedLink. The idea is to transport wind energy from the north to the industrial south. Right now only 17.6 kilometres have been approved, but the project is expected to cost 10 billion euros and take 8,000 transport permissions.

Friend: Wow, that's a massive project. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, for one, it will be an important step towards achieving Germany's energy transition goals. It will be essential for bringing wind energy from the north to the south and for providing energy to industry and households. However, it's going to require a lot of work in terms of getting the necessary permissions and constructing the power line. It's also going to be very costly, so it's going to be a long-term investment.

Friend: That's true. It's also going to be interesting to see how the public reacts to the project as it moves forward.

Action items

Technical terms

A term used to describe a high-voltage power line used to transport electricity from one region to another.
A term used to describe a power line or transmission line used to transport electricity from one region to another.
A device used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) or vice versa.
Direct current (DC) electricity.
Alternating current (AC) electricity.
A device used to increase or decrease the voltage of an alternating current (AC) electrical signal.
A unit of power equal to one billion watts.
Nuclear power plants.
The start of construction.
Transmission networks.
The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.
A coalition agreement.
The total amount of money invested in a project.
A mining office.
Geothermal energy.
A lithium test facility.

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