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OpenAI Robots are Real + Apple's Building AI


This newsletter covers several topics related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Apple is ramping up their AI efforts and is recruiting machine learning specialists with a passion for building autonomous systems. Microsoft has upgraded their AI Bing search engine with features such as chat history, charts, export, and more. OpenAI's robots are now being used as security guards in the United States and Europe. Tutorials for creating AI-based stickers and reverse-engineering text are also discussed. Finally, several AI tools are recommended for people in tech, productivity, and fun.


What is Apple doing to get involved in AI?
Apple is recruiting AI talent and is reportedly working on its own generative AI products.

What features did Microsoft add to Bing AI?
Microsoft added Chat History, Charts, Export, Video Overlay with time stamps, Optimized answers for recipes, Improved Auto-suggest quality, and Privacy improvements in the Edge sidebar.

What is OpenAI's humanoid robot capable of?
OpenAI's humanoid robot, EVE, is capable of performing nursing and bartending tasks with its human-like arms.

What are some AI tools mentioned in the article?
AI tools mentioned in the article include LinklessGPT, CodeMorph, Damn Good Chat, Copyingai, Constitute, Gpitify, Katch, AutoMagic, Chatable, AI Prompt Log, SavePop, VoicifyAI, and Shedevrum.

What is the SCRIBE Method and how does it relate to ChatGPT?
The SCRIBE Method is a method of using ChatGPT to unleash its potential with prompt explanations. It is a way to use ChatGPT to create text with a similar tone, style, formality level, tense, etc.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article provides a great overview of the current state of AI technology and includes a number of interesting developments. It's well written and provides valuable insight into the future of AI.

πŸ‘Ž The article fails to provide any real insight into the potential risks associated with AI technology or the implications for society. It's also written in a very casual, light-hearted tone which may make it difficult for readers to take the content seriously.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about how Apple is ramping up its AI efforts, OpenAI's robots are real, and how to reverse-engineer text. Plus, there are some cool tools to boost productivity, for engineers, and for fun.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It sounds like Apple is getting serious about AI and OpenAI is making progress with robotics. What do you think the implications of this are?

Me: Well, it seems like AI is becoming increasingly integrated into our lives. We might start to see AI being used more in everyday tasks, such as security, nursing, and bartending. We might also see AI being used to make decisions and to automate processes. Additionally, AI might become more accessible to the public, as more tools are developed to make it easier to use.

Action items

Technical terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans.
OpenAI is a research laboratory focused on artificial intelligence, founded by Elon Musk and other tech luminaries.
Generative AI
Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that is capable of creating new data from existing data.
Bing AI
Bing AI is Microsoft's search engine artificial intelligence technology.
Robots are machines that are programmed to perform specific tasks.
Prompt Engineering
Prompt engineering is the process of creating prompts for artificial intelligence systems to use in order to generate text or other outputs.

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