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Case Study: DHLs Global Change Management Plan


DHL, a global transportation and logistics services giant, is undergoing an IT transformation to give it the best of both centralized and decentralized organizational models. The transformation puts IT demand management under the business’s control, with demand CIOs reporting to regional CEOs to better align IT spending with business strategy. The reorganization is being implemented across all regions of DHL, with a thin global group coordinating to ensure consistent standards and processes. A change-management plan is in place to help employees understand the benefits of the changes and adapt to them.


What is the IT transformation model used by DHL?
The IT transformation model used by DHL separates the supply side of DHL's IT organization from the demand side, and it puts IT demand management under the business's control.

How does the new model better align IT spending with the business strategy?
The new model puts IT demand management under the regional CEOs' control, allowing IT spending to be better aligned with business strategy.

What is the role of the global corporate transformation office in the new model?
The global corporate transformation office is coordinating to ensure a consistent approach, standards, processes and tools from region to region.

How is the new model helping DHL employees adjust to the changes?
The change-management plan emphasizes education and training to help employees understand the benefits of the changes to the company as a whole—and to them personally.

What other content related to the article is available?
Related content includes an opinion article, events, brand posts, podcasts, videos, resources, and events.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an informative overview of DHL's Global Change Management Plan and how it is helping to better align IT spending with business strategy.

👎 This article does not provide any details on the challenges and complexities of implementing this plan, leaving readers without a complete understanding of its potential pitfalls.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about DHL's Global Change Management Plan. They are trying to centralize their IT infrastructure and services but also have IT more closely aligned with the business. They have structured it in such a way that the demand-side of IT is managed by the business and IT supply is managed by the IT staff.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this plan?

Me: Well, the reorganization will mean a dramatic change in roles, reporting relationships and processes for many of the employees. It also means that IT spending will be more closely aligned with business strategy, which could help the company save money. But it will require a lot of education and training to help employees understand the changes and how they can benefit from them.

Action items

Technical terms

To bring together or concentrate in one place or under one control.
To disperse or spread out the functions or powers of (a central authority) among several people or groups.
IT Transformation
The process of changing the way an organization uses technology to improve its operations and processes.
Demand CIOs
Chief Information Officers responsible for managing the region’s IT budget and aligning IT spending with business strategy.
Express Business IT (EbIT)
IT employees focused on demand-management aspects of IT.
Change Management Plan
A plan for managing the changes that occur when an organization implements new technology or processes.

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