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Tips for agile and devops teams in a hybrid work model


This article discusses the importance of setting up ground rules for hybrid work models, where teams are split between home and office. It provides various tips and recommendations from leaders and experts on ways that agile and devops teams can collaborate in a hybrid work model. These tips include standardizing and evolving communication protocols to make meetings more productive, centralizing artifacts for these meetings, and boosting site reliability engineering and test automation. It also encourages organizations to consider the intersection of business goals, workspaces, technologies, and work policies when considering how people collaborate in meetings.


What percentage of employees seek a hybrid-work environment?
73% of employees seek a hybrid-work environment.

How will hybrid-work impact the way people collaborate?
Hybrid-work will require teams to standardize and evolve communication protocols, centralize artifacts to make meetings more productive, and boost site reliability engineering and test automation.

What are some best practices for remote devops teams?
Best practices for remote devops teams include a greater focus on risk remediation through shift-left testing and security practices.

What strategies should technology organizations use in a hybrid-work model?
Technology organizations should standardize and evolve communication protocols, centralize artifacts to make meetings more productive, and boost site reliability engineering and test automation.

How can devops teams increase reliability and reduce stress in a hybrid-work model?
Devops teams can increase reliability and reduce stress in a hybrid-work model by assigning testing, security, reliability, and performance responsibilities and shifting-left their implementations, using automation from test automation, AIops, and devops platforms to reduce toil, and connecting workflows, naming responsibilities, and increasing automation.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article provides great advice on how to make hybrid work successful. The tips are practical and easy to implement, and will help tech teams increase their productivity and efficiency.

πŸ‘Ž This article does not provide enough in-depth information about how to plan for a hybrid work model. There is little detail about how to ensure teams are successful over the long-term.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about tips for agile and devops teams in a hybrid work model. It talks about how tech and business leaders can collaborate with a hybrid-work model and the implications of hybrid work. It also offers recommendations for agile development teams and devops organizations using a hybrid-work model.

Friend: Interesting. What are some of the implications of hybrid work that the article discusses?

Me: The article discusses how hybrid work should be treated as a longer-term transformation, as it requires leaders across the organization to implement new ways of collaborating with their direct reports, multidisciplinary agile teams, and cross-organizational workflows. It also suggests standardizing and evolving communication protocols, centralizing artifacts to make meetings more productive, boosting site reliability engineering and test automation, and assigning testing, security, reliability, and performance responsibilities. Ultimately, the article suggests that when devops teams can improve productivity, increase reliability, reduce stress, and collaborate efficiently through a hybrid-work model, business leaders will be more likely to endorse flexible work schedules, locations, and personal preferences.

Action items

Technical terms

Agile Development
A software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement.
A set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.
Hybrid Work Model
A work model that combines remote and in-office work.
Shift-Left Testing
A software testing practice that involves testing earlier in the development process, often as soon as code is written.
A combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and IT operations (Ops) that automates IT operations tasks.
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
A discipline that combines software engineering and systems operations to ensure that software systems are reliable and available.

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