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The World's Most Expensive Cities


The Economist Intelligence Unit recently published its Worldwide Cost of Living Index for 2023, with Singapore and Zurich jointly topping the list as the most expensive cities in the world to live in. New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Paris, Copenhagen, and Tel Aviv also rank among the top ten. The index compares prices of over 200 everyday products and services in 173 cities worldwide, with the base city of New York set at 100. Prices increased on average by 7.4 percent year-on-year in the cities studied, which is slightly lower than the 8.1 percent recorded in the 2022 index. Despite easing energy prices and supply chain issues, the cost of living crisis is far from over, researchers from the EIU noted.


What cities are the most expensive to live in according to the Worldwide Cost of Living Index for 2023?
Singapore and Zurich are the most expensive cities to live in according to the Worldwide Cost of Living Index for 2023.

What is the average price increase for the cities studied in the index?
The average price increase for the cities studied in the index is 7.4 percent year-on-year.

What are the products and services used to compare prices between cities in the index?
The products and services used to compare prices between cities in the index are food, clothing, rent, or transportation.

What is the base city for the index and what is its index set at?
The base city for the index is New York and its index is set at 100.

What are the experts' expectations for inflation in 2024?
The experts' expectations for inflation in 2024 is that it will continue to slow down.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ This article provides a comprehensive overview of the cost of living in cities around the world. It is very helpful for people who are looking to move to a new place and want to know what to expect.

๐Ÿ‘Ž The article does not provide much information about the cheaper cities to live in, which would be beneficial for people who are looking for a budget-friendly place to live.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the most expensive cities in the world to live in according to the Economist Intelligence Unit's Worldwide Cost of Living Index for 2023. Singapore and Zurich joint top the ranking list, and New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Paris, Copenhagen, and Tel Aviv are all in the top ten. The index compares prices of over 200 everyday products and services such as food, clothing, rent, or transportation in 173 cities worldwide.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It looks like the cost of living is continuing to rise despite the easing energy prices and supply chain issues.

Me: Yeah, the lead researcher of the study noted that the cost of living crisis is far from over and prices are still higher than historical trends. They predict that inflation will slow down in 2024 though.

Friend: That's good to hear. It's really interesting to see how different cities around the world compare in terms of cost of living.

Action items

Technical terms

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
A research and analysis division of The Economist Group, a global media company that provides business intelligence and economic analysis.
Worldwide Cost of Living Index
An annual index published by the Economist Intelligence Unit that compares prices of over 200 everyday products and services such as food, clothing, rent, or transportation in 173 cities worldwide.
Swiss franc
The official currency of Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
A sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
HTML code
A markup language used to create web pages.

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