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Where People Live in Extreme Poverty


This article discusses extreme poverty around the world, focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa, where the highest share of people live in poverty. Other countries mentioned include Madagascar, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Honduras, Bangladesh, India, and Haiti. The article also explains how to integrate infographics into blogs and websites.


What region has the highest share of people living in extreme poverty?
Sub-Saharan Africa

What countries have the highest share of people living in extreme poverty?
Madagascar, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan

What is the international poverty line defined as?
$2.15 per day

What percentage of people live in extreme poverty in Haiti?
29.2 percent

Is it possible to integrate Infographics from Statista into other websites?

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive and informative overview of the current state of extreme poverty in various countries across the world.

👎 This article does not provide any concrete solutions or remedies to the extreme poverty crisis that so many people are facing.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about where people live in extreme poverty. The article highlights that Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest share of people living below the international poverty line. It also mentions that many countries in the Americas and Asia have a high share of people living in extreme poverty too, such as Honduras, Bangladesh and India.

Friend: That's really concerning. It's sad to think that so many people are living in extreme poverty.

Me: It is. The article also mentions that before the Covid-19 pandemic, the share of the population in extreme poverty had dropped under 10 percent in the Middle East and North Africa as well as in South Asia. But now, with the pandemic, the numbers have probably increased.

Friend: That's true. The pandemic has caused a lot of economic hardship and poverty levels have likely risen. It's important to increase awareness of this issue and raise funds to help those in need.

Action items

Technical terms

Sub-Saharan Africa
A geographic region located south of the Sahara Desert in Africa.
International Poverty Line
A measure of poverty used by the World Bank to determine the level of poverty in a given country.
Madagascar, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan
Countries located in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Honduras, Bangladesh and India
Countries located in the Americas, Asia, and South Asia, respectively.
Covid-19 pandemic
A global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, first identified in 2019.
Latin America and the Caribbean
A geographic region located in the Americas.
HTML code
A type of code used to create webpages and other web content.

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