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Vista do Comunicacao cientifica e divulgacao cientifica: aproximacoes e rupturas conceituaiss.


This article explores the concept of scientific communication and scientific dissemination, examining their similarities and differences. It looks at the various aspects of both concepts, such as their goals, objectives, and methodologies, and examines how they can be used together. It also discusses the importance of proper communication and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and the role of the media in this process.


What is the purpose of scientific communication and scientific dissemination?
The purpose of scientific communication and scientific dissemination is to share scientific knowledge and research with the public.

How are scientific communication and scientific dissemination related?
Scientific communication and scientific dissemination are related in that they both involve the sharing of scientific knowledge and research.

What are the similarities and differences between scientific communication and scientific dissemination?
The similarities between scientific communication and scientific dissemination include the sharing of scientific knowledge and research. The differences include the methods used to share the information, with scientific communication typically involving more formal methods such as academic journals and scientific dissemination typically involving more informal methods such as popular media.

What are the implications of scientific communication and scientific dissemination?
The implications of scientific communication and scientific dissemination include increased public awareness of scientific research and the potential for increased public engagement in scientific research.

What are the challenges of scientific communication and scientific dissemination?
The challenges of scientific communication and scientific dissemination include ensuring accuracy and clarity of information, reaching a wide audience, and overcoming language and cultural barriers.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article offers an informative and comprehensive look at the concept of scientific communication and scientific dissemination. It provides insightful points of comparison and contrast between the two concepts.

πŸ‘Ž This article is rather long and dense in its language, making it difficult for a reader to understand the main points of the article.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the differences and similarities between scientific communication and scientific disclosure.

Friend: Interesting! What implications does the article have?

Me: Well, the article highlights the importance of understanding the nuances between scientific communication and disclosure. This is important for professionals, scientists, and researchers who use these strategies to disseminate knowledge and information. By understanding the differences, they can ensure that their research and findings are effectively communicated to their target audiences. Additionally, the article also stresses the need for collaboration and open dialogue between different stakeholders to ensure that scientific communication and disclosure are handled effectively.

Action items

Technical terms

Comunicacao cientifica
Scientific communication is the exchange of scientific information between scientists, researchers, and other stakeholders. It includes the publication of scientific papers, the presentation of research results at conferences, and the sharing of data and resources.
Divulgacao cientifica
Scientific dissemination is the process of making scientific information available to the public. It includes activities such as public lectures, media coverage, and the use of social media to share scientific knowledge.
Approaches are the methods used to achieve a goal. In this context, approaches refer to the strategies used to communicate and disseminate scientific information.
Rupturas conceituais
Conceptual ruptures are changes in the way scientific information is communicated and disseminated. They can involve new technologies, new methods of communication, or new ways of thinking about science.

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