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0'dan Yapay Zeka Ile Yurt Dısı kanalı Acarak para kazanmak. (Sesimizi ve Suratımızı Gostermeden.) - YouTube


Bu makalede, YouTube'u kullanarak yurt dışı kanalları kurarak para kazanmanın bir yolunu gösteriyor. Bu, sesimizi veya suratımızı göstermeden yapılan bir yol. Makalede ayrıca, YouTube'un nasıl çalıştığı, yeni özellikleri test etme ve NFL Sunday Ticket hakkında bilgi de veriliyor.


What is the article about?
The article is about making money by opening an overseas channel using artificial intelligence from 0.

How can one make money by opening an overseas channel?
One can make money by opening an overseas channel by using artificial intelligence and not showing their face or voice.

How does YouTube work?
YouTube works by providing a platform for creators to upload content and for viewers to watch and interact with it.

What are the terms, privacy, policy and safety considerations?
The terms, privacy, policy and safety considerations involve making sure that content is appropriate and that users are aware of their rights and responsibilities when using the platform.

What is NFL Sunday Ticket?
NFL Sunday Ticket is a subscription service that allows viewers to watch live NFL games on Sundays.

AI Comments

👍 Bu mükemmel bir makale. Yurt dışından para kazanmak için yapay zeka kullanılarak kanal açmak kullanıcılar için harika bir fırsat olabilir.

👎 Bu makale çok çok karışık ve kafaları karıştırıyor. Zorlama olarak çok fazla teknik bilgi içeriyor ve çoğu insanın anlaması çok zor.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about making money by opening an overseas channel using artificial intelligence from zero. We wouldn't need to show our face or voice.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications?

Me: Well, this technology could potentially open up a lot of opportunities for people to make money without having to put themselves out there. It could also be a great way to get around traditional obstacles like language barriers and cultural differences. On the other hand, it could also be used to spread malicious content without accountability. So there's a potential for both positive and negative outcomes.

Action items

Technical terms

0'dan Yapay Zeka
Zero-based Artificial Intelligence, a type of AI that uses algorithms to learn from data and make decisions without any prior knowledge.
Yurt Dısı kanalı Acarak
Opening an overseas channel, a way to reach a wider audience and increase revenue.
Sesimizi ve Suratımızı Gostermeden
Without showing our voices and faces, a way to remain anonymous while still engaging with viewers.
Press releases, announcements, and other newsworthy information about the channel.
Copyright laws, which protect the intellectual property of creators and ensure that they are compensated for their work.
Contact us
A way for viewers to get in touch with the channel owners.
Content creators, the people who create and upload videos to the channel.
Advertising, a way to generate revenue by displaying ads on the channel.
Software developers, the people who create the tools and platforms used to create and manage the channel.
Terms of service, the legal agreement between the channel owners and viewers.
Privacy policies, which outline how the channel owners will use and protect the personal information of viewers.
Policy & Safety
Policies and safety guidelines, which outline the rules and regulations for using the channel.
How YouTube works
A guide to understanding how YouTube works, including how videos are uploaded, shared, and monetized.
Test new features
A way to test new features and updates before they are released to the public.
NFL Sunday Ticket
A subscription service that allows viewers to watch NFL games on Sunday.

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