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Sıfırdan Yurt Dısı Kanalı Kuruyoruz! (Sesinizi ve Suratınızı Gostermeden Para Kazan) - YouTube


This article is about creating an international channel from scratch and making money without showing your face or voice. It describes how to use YouTube to do this, including discussing copyright, contact information, and other technical aspects such as advertising and developers. It also mentions NFL Sunday Ticket as a potential source of revenue.


What is the article about?
The article is about setting up an international channel from scratch.

How can you earn money without showing your face or voice?
You can earn money without showing your face or voice by setting up an international channel.

What does the article cover?
The article covers setting up an international channel from scratch, earning money without showing your face or voice, and NFL Sunday Ticket.

What are the terms of the YouTube creators?
The terms of the YouTube creators include Press, Copyright, Contact us, Creators, Advertise, Developers, Terms, Privacy, Policy & Safety.

What features are available on YouTube?
The features available on YouTube include How YouTube works and Test new features.

AI Comments

👍 This article is so informative and helpful! It walks readers through the steps of setting up their own international channel without having to show their face or voice.

👎 This article is lacking in detail and doesn't provide readers with enough information to get started.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about setting up an overseas channel from scratch and making money without showing your face or voice.

Friend: That sounds really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it could have a big impact on how people make money online. It could open up opportunities for people who don't want to show their face or voice, but still want to make money online. It could also be a way for people to make money without having to invest in expensive equipment or take up a lot of space. It could also provide a platform for people to start their own businesses, as well as create content that can reach a wider audience.

Action items

Technical terms

Sıfırdan Yurt Dısı Kanalı Kuruyoruz!
This is a Turkish phrase that translates to "We are setting up an overseas channel from scratch!"
Press refers to the media, such as newspapers, magazines, television, and radio, that report news and other information.
Copyright is a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution.
Contact Us
Contact Us is a phrase used to invite people to get in touch with a company or organization.
Creators are people who create content, such as videos, music, art, and writing.
Advertising is the act of promoting a product, service, or idea to a potential customer.
Developers are people who create software applications and websites.
Terms are the conditions of use for a website or application.
Privacy is the right to keep one's personal information and activities confidential.
Policy & Safety
Policy & Safety refers to the rules and regulations that govern the use of a website or application.
How YouTube works
How YouTube works is a phrase used to describe the process of creating, uploading, and sharing videos on YouTube.
NFL Sunday Ticket
NFL Sunday Ticket is a subscription service that allows viewers to watch out-of-market NFL games on Sundays.

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