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Cambio climatico en tiempos de pandemia: el caso venezolano


El cambio climático en Venezuela ha impactado negativamente los suelos, aguas, bosques y algunas especies de los ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos. Estos efectos incluyen baja producción agrícola, ganadera y arrocera, olas de calor en periodos lluviosos, desplazamiento de comunidades indígenas, escasez de agua y derretimiento de hielo. Esta situación coincide con el índice de cumplimiento global de los ODS. Durante la pandemia, hay avances en la deforestación, minería, quema de lena y basura, y funcionamiento de las presas. El país petrolero necesita un compromiso, responsabilidad ambiental y credibilidad para implementar medidas contra el cambio climático, como el racionamiento eléctrico, proyectos de captura y almacenamiento de carbono, y un transporte terrestre sostenible. El llamado es unir esfuerzos para reactivar la economía desde la sostenibilidad, y pensar en el presente y futuro para satisfacer necesidades básicas.


What are the global impacts of climate change?
The global impacts of climate change include extreme heat waves, rising sea levels, intense droughts and floods in different parts of the planet.

How is Venezuela affected by climate change?
Venezuela is also vulnerable to climate change.

What are the effects of climate change on Venezuela?
The effects of climate change on Venezuela include low agricultural production, low livestock production, strong heat waves during rainy periods, displacement of indigenous communities, water shortages, flooding of rivers, melting of ice on Pico Bolivar, increased frequency of tropical waves in Caracas, changes in the waves of beaches in Vargas, low water flows in bodies of water and reservoirs in Miranda.

What changes are necessary to combat climate change in Venezuela?
Changes necessary to combat climate change in Venezuela include stopping deforestation in major watersheds, stopping mining in Guayana, reducing the burning of firewood in Venezuelan homes due to constant gas and electricity supply failures, increasing waste management and implementing an appropriate logistics system for its use or transfer within the major cities, and controlling the operation of dams to prevent flooding, supply hydroelectric energy (clean and renewable) and water for agricultural, domestic and industrial use.

How can the Venezuelan government take action to protect its citizens from the effects of climate change?
The Venezuelan government can take action to protect its citizens from the effects of climate change by implementing energy and climate change measures, increasing tariffs for electricity, reducing the rationing of electricity, and investing in projects to capture and store carbon. Additionally, the government should encourage collaborative work between different actors, reactivate the economy from a sustainable perspective, and not waste resources (renewable and non-renewable).

AI Comments

👍 This article does an excellent job of highlighting the effects of climate change on Venezuela, and provides several suggestions for mitigating the effects of climate change in the country.

👎 The article fails to provide any concrete solutions to address the impacts of climate change in Venezuela and fails to address other environmental concerns the country faces.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about climate change in Venezuela. It talks about how climate change has impacted the country in terms of agricultural production, energy production, water availability, and displacement of indigenous communities. It also talks about how the government has failed to address the issue and has not implemented any measures to combat the climate change crisis.

Friend: Wow, that's really concerning. It sounds like the situation in Venezuela is getting worse due to climate change and the lack of action taken by the government. This is a problem that needs to be addressed urgently.

Me: Absolutely. Climate change is an issue that affects us all, and it needs to be taken seriously. We need to take action to reduce emissions and find sustainable solutions to address the problem. This article is a reminder that we all need to do our part in tackling climate change.

Action items

Technical terms

Calentamiento Global
El calentamiento global es el aumento de la temperatura promedio de la Tierra. Esto se debe principalmente a la acumulación de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera, que impiden que el calor solar se escape de la Tierra.
Gases de Efecto Invernadero
Los gases de efecto invernadero son una serie de compuestos químicos que se encuentran en la atmósfera y que contribuyen al calentamiento global. Estos compuestos incluyen dióxido de carbono (CO2), metano (CH4), óxido nitroso (N2O), hidrofluorocarbonos (HFC), perfluorocarbonos (PFC) y hexafluoruro de azufre (SF6).
Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) son un conjunto de 17 objetivos globales que buscan abordar los principales desafíos de desarrollo sostenible a nivel mundial. Estos objetivos fueron acordados por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en 2015 y establecen un marco para lograr un desarrollo sostenible para 2030.
Convención de Rio
La Convención de Río es un tratado internacional firmado en 1992 por más de 150 países. Establece un marco para la protección del medio ambiente y el desarrollo sostenible.
Protocolo de Kioto
El Protocolo de Kioto es un tratado internacional firmado en 1997 por más de 170 países. Establece un marco para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero a nivel mundial.

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