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Beteiligung vor Missbrauch schutzen


Der Deutsche Rat für Public Relations (DRPR) hat im Dezember 2022 eine neue Richtlinie vorgestellt, die die freiwillige Beteiligung von Bürger*innen an Organisationen wie Unternehmen, Verbanden, Vereinen und Behörden regelt. Diese Richtlinie soll das zunehmende Bedürfnis nach direkter Einflussnahme von Bürger*innen in westlichen Demokratien befriedigen. Diese Beteiligungsverfahren werden meist aus strategischen Interessen initiiert, was einen Interessenkonflikt zwischen Betroffenen und Vorhabenträgern schafft. Aus einer kommunikationsethischen Perspektive müssen daher hohe Maßstäbe an solche Verfahren angelegt werden, wobei schwarze Schafe auf Seiten der Anbieter von Beteiligungsverfahren existieren. Diese Richtlinie des DRPR gilt für alle Beteiligungsverfahren, die freiwillig und zielgerichtet außerhalb gesetzlich normierter Genehmigungsverfahren stattfinden, egal von wem sie organisiert werden.


What is the new PR-Ethics guideline 'Citizen Participation and Communication' about?
The new PR-Ethics guideline 'Citizen Participation and Communication' is about regulating voluntary participation processes implemented by organizations such as companies, associations, clubs and authorities outside of formal approval processes or regulated political processes.

What is the purpose of this guideline?
The purpose of this guideline is to meet the increased expectations of civil society for direct influence in Western democratic societies.

How is the system of citizen participation implemented?
Citizen participation is implemented through processes that are initiated by companies, municipalities in the context of urban development projects, or infrastructure projects before the actual decision-making processes or administrative approval processes.

What is the role of the German Council for Public Relations (DRPR) in this guideline?
The role of the German Council for Public Relations (DRPR) in this guideline is to enforce ethical behavior and sanction unethical behavior based on the German Communication Code and specific guidelines.

What implications does this guideline have on the practice of citizen participation?
The implications of this guideline on the practice of citizen participation are that a high standard must be applied to such processes from a communication ethics and normative perspective. It also means that all those involved in organizing such processes, including those who are not formally part of the communication profession, can be sanctioned by the DRPR with a disapproval or reprimand.

AI Comments

👍 Der Beitrag ist eine wichtige Erkenntnis über die neue PR-Ethik-Richtlinie "Burgerbeteiligung und Kommunikation", die im Dezember 2022 vorgestellt wurde. Er zeigt auf, wie wichtig es ist, diese Richtlinie zu befolgen, um Missbrauch vorzubeugen.

👎 Der Beitrag ist sehr technisch und komplex geschrieben, was es schwer macht, die wesentlichen Punkte und Implikationen der Richtlinie zu verstehen.

AI Discussion

Me: It discusses a new PR ethics guideline called "Citizen Participation and Communication" released on July 4, 2023. It outlines the regulations for voluntary participation processes that organizations like companies, associations, clubs, and government agencies can use outside of formal approval processes or regulated political processes.

Friend: That sounds like an important topic. What are the implications of this guideline?

Me: The implication is that organizations can now use these processes to involve citizens in their decision-making processes. This allows for a more direct form of democracy, which can lead to increased transparency and accountability. It also increases the chances of citizens having a say in the outcomes of projects that directly affect them. However, the guidelines also emphasize the need for ethical communication practices and highlight the potential for organizations to mismanage these processes by promising more influence than they can actually deliver.

Action items

Technical terms

A set of ethical guidelines for public relations professionals.
The participation of citizens in decision-making processes.
The German Council for Public Relations, a voluntary ethical self-regulation body for the communication industry and profession.
Participation in organizational communication.
Teleologischer Kommunikationsmodus
A communication model based on the goal of achieving a desired outcome.

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