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Geschichte gibt Gestalt – in Marketing-Kommunikation und Werbung


In diesem Artikel untersucht Prof. Dr. Felix Krebber die Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Wirkungen und Grenzen der Verwendung von Geschichte in Marketing, Marketing-Kommunikation und Werbung. Er diskutiert, wie Unternehmen, Marken und Produkte durch die Referenzierung von Geschichte positioniert werden können, um Reputationsvorteile zu erzielen und die Kaufintention und Zahlungsbereitschaft zu erhöhen. Er bietet konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen, einschließlich der Prüfung der Passung, des Wissens über die Geschichte und der Berücksichtigung möglicher Stakeholder.


What is history marketing and why is it important to consider in times of crisis?
History marketing is the use of history in marketing, marketing communications and advertising. It is important to consider in times of crisis as it can provide unique opportunities for positioning companies, brands and products.

What are the potential positive effects of using history in marketing, marketing communications and advertising?
The potential positive effects of using history in marketing, marketing communications and advertising include increased reputation, increased purchase intention and increased willingness to pay.

What are the potential risks associated with using history in marketing, marketing communications and advertising?
The potential risks associated with using history in marketing, marketing communications and advertising include not being suitable for every product or company, incorrect facts, and offending stakeholders.

What advice does the article give for using history in marketing, marketing communications and advertising?
The article gives advice for using history in marketing, marketing communications and advertising such as checking for fit, knowing the history, processing the history, thinking broadly about stakeholders, and viewing the topic in a connected way.

What resources are available for accessing the article?
Resources available for accessing the article include the Wiso-Net database (from university networks and libraries, often requiring VPN access) and the Genios database (paywall).

AI Comments

👍 Dieser Aufsatz von Prof. Dr. Felix Krebber zeigt wertvolle Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Unternehmen, Marken und Produkte, die Bezugnahmen auf die Geschichte machen. Er bietet konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen und Wirkungen, die für eine positive Reputation und eine erhöhte Kaufintention sorgen können.

👎 Dieser Aufsatz bietet nur wenige neue Einsichten in die Nutzung von Geschichte in der Marketingkommunikation. Es bietet keine neuen Ideen für Unternehmen, Marken und Produkte, die auf Geschichte Bezug nehmen möchten.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the use of history in marketing, marketing communication, and advertising. It looks at the potential benefits and drawbacks of using history in marketing, and also provides practical advice on how to use it effectively. It also touches on the importance of considering stakeholders beyond the target audience.

Friend: Interesting! That's really insightful. I can see how this could be useful in helping companies understand how to use history to their advantage. On the other hand, I can also see how it could be misused if not used responsibly.

Me: Absolutely. It's important to remember to consider all stakeholders when using history, and also to make sure that the facts are accurate. Companies need to be aware of the potential risks and be responsible when using history in their marketing efforts.

Action items

Technical terms

Marketing Communication
History Marketing
Purchase Intent
Payment Readiness
Product Communication
Research Overview
Communication Practice
Corporate History
Integrierte Unternehmenskommunikation
Integrated Corporate Communication

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