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General Discussion


This article is a discussion from the Democratic Underground forum about the White House announcement to convert empty commercial buildings into housing. The discussion is primarily focused on the practicality of the plan and its potential impacts on existing businesses, infrastructure, and communities. People share their own experiences with converting office buildings to other uses, and discuss the potential benefits and challenges associated with the plan.


What is the purpose of the General Discussion forum?
The purpose of the General Discussion forum is to provide a grassroots left-of-center political community where regular people, not algorithms, drive the discussions and set the standards.

What is the White House pushing for?
The White House is pushing to convert empty commercial buildings to housing.

What are some of the difficulties with converting office space to housing?
Some of the difficulties with converting office space to housing include running bathroom and kitchen plumbing for each individual unit, revamping the infrastructure of office buildings, and providing enough bathrooms and showers.

What are the benefits of converting empty commercial buildings to housing?
The benefits of converting empty commercial buildings to housing include providing affordable housing, supporting new and existing downtown businesses, and creating vibrant neighborhoods with restaurants, shops, and theaters.

How have other areas successfully converted their commercial buildings to residential housing?
Areas have successfully converted their commercial buildings to residential housing by tearing down decrepit malls and building multi-use "Town Centers" with apartments, grocery stores, theaters, and shopping/restaurant areas.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great idea and will be beneficial for many people in need of affordable housing.

👎 This idea may be difficult to implement due to the costs and time needed to convert commercial buildings to housing.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the White House announcing a push to convert empty commercial buildings to housing.

Friend: That's really interesting. What do you think the implications are?

Me: I think it's a great idea and could have a huge impact on providing more affordable housing options. It could also help revitalize downtown areas by providing an influx of people living in the area which could lead to more businesses opening up. However, there are also some technical difficulties that need to be addressed such as the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems that are needed for housing instead of offices. It could also raise some concerns like how to ensure it's low-income affordable housing and whether it will push out existing businesses.

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White House announces push to convert empty commercial buildings to housing
A news story about the White House’s plan to convert empty commercial buildings into housing.
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