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L'hexagramme 58, Dui (Echanger), est composé de deux fois plus de traits yang que de traits yin. Il est précédé de H57 et suivi de H59 et son opposé est H52. Son hexagramme Nucleaire est H37 et ses traits maîtres sont le deuxième et le cinquième. Les traits principaux sont l'entrée dans la situation, le pouvoir d'application, le temps de passage, le pouvoir de décision et la sortie de la situation. La Grande Image se réfère au noble heritier qui pratique la conversation avec ses amis.


What is the article about?
The article is about the hexagram 58, Dui, Echanger, from the Chinese Book of Changes.

What are the two main traits of the hexagram 58?
The two main traits of the hexagram 58 are the second and fifth traits.

What is the hexagram's nuclear hexagram?
The hexagram's nuclear hexagram is H37, Jia Ren, Famille.

What are the Formulas Mantiques used in the article?
The Formulas Mantiques used in the article are 亨 heng; 利貞 li zhen; 和兌之吉行未疑也 he dui zhi ji xing wei yi yi; 孚兌之吉信志也 fu dui zhi ji xin zhi yi; 來兌之凶位不當也 lai dui zhi xiong wei bu dang yi; 九四之喜有慶也 jiu si zhi xi you qing yi; 孚于剝位正當也 fu yu bo wei zheng dang yi; 上六引兌未光也 shang liu yin dui wei guang yi.

What is the Grand Image of the hexagram 58?
The Grand Image of the hexagram 58 is "Brumes ensemble. Echange. Ainsi le noble heritier, en bonne compagnie, pratique la conversation."

AI Comments

👍 This article offers a thorough and comprehensive examination of Hexagram 58 and its implications for the noble heritier. The author provides an insightful analysis of the symbols and symbols of the hexagram and how they relate to each other.

👎 This article is too detailed and complex for readers who are unfamiliar with the concepts of Hexagram 58. It would be beneficial to provide some more basic explanations of the symbols and symbols of the hexagram for those who are just beginning to learn about them.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the hexagram 58, Dui, which is about exchanging and judgement. It talks about the implications of the two yang lines and one yin line that make up the hexagram and the four trigrams associated with it.

Friend: That sounds really interesting. What are the implications of the article?

Me: Well, the article suggests that the exchange of ideas and judgements should be done harmoniously and in a manner that fosters growth. It also says that it's important to maintain a sense of balance in order to achieve success. Additionally, it implies that taking a calm and thoughtful approach to conversations can help to limit any potential conflicts and lead to a more successful outcome. Finally, it stresses the importance of trusting the judgement of others and having faith in the decisions they make.

Action items

Technical terms

兌 亨 利 貞. Dui heng li zhen. Echanger. Croissance. Profitable • presage.
Trait du bas
和 兌 吉. He dui ji. S'accorder avec • echanger • bon augure.
Deuxième Trait
孚 兌 吉 悔 亡. Fu dui ji hui wang. Confiance • echanger • bon augure • regret • disparaitre.
Troisième Trait
來 兌 凶. Lai dui xiong. Venir • echanger • fermeture.
Quatrième Trait
商 兌 未 寧 介 疾 有 喜. Shang dui wei ning jie ji you xi. Discuter • echanger • pas encore • tranquille • limiter • febrilite • y avoir • joie.
Cinquième Trait
孚 于 剝 有 厲. Fu yu bo you li. Confiance • dans • elaguer • y avoir • danger.
Trait du Haut
引 兌. Yin dui. Attirer • echanger.
Grande Image
麗 澤 兌 君 子 以 朋 友 講 習. Li ze dui jun zi yi peng you jiang xi. Ensemble • brume • echanger • noble • heritier • ainsi • compagnon • ami • converser • pratiquer.

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