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Gemeenten willen duidelijkheid over lot 1800 derdelanders na 4 september


Burgemeesters en Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland maken zich ernstige zorgen over wat er met de groep van 1800 derdelanders zal gebeuren die niet naar hun land van oorsprong teruggaan en ook geen asiel aanvragen. Deze mensen hebben hun rechten verloren onder de Europese richtlijn na het misbruik dat gemaakt werd van die regeling. Er wordt nu een richtlijn ontwikkeld door Justitie met regels over hoe gemeenten met deze groep om moeten gaan, maar de VNG vindt dat deze richtlijn te laat komt. Er wordt een vertrekpremie aangeboden aan de derdelanders, maar de meesten kiezen hier niet voor. Sommigen proberen een ander werk- of studievisum te regelen om in Nederland te blijven.


What happens to the remaining 1800 derdelanders after 4 September?
The remaining 1800 derdelanders will receive a letter from the IND informing them that their asylum application will not be processed, and their right to shelter will end on 4 September.

What is the Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG) asking the government to do?
The Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG) is asking the government to extend the rules until the Raad van State has given a definitive ruling on the residence rights of this group.

What is the reaction of the Nederlandse Overheid to the regeling for non-Oekrainers?
The Nederlandse Overheid announced that the rights of non-Oekrainers under the European directive would expire.

What is the response of the IND to the 2300 derdelanders?
The IND has sent a letter to the 2300 derdelanders asking if they would like to continue their asylum application in the Netherlands. So far, only 500 have answered with 'yes'.

What are the concerns of burgemeesters and Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland?
The concerns of burgemeesters and Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland are that the group may end up on the streets or not leave the shelter, and that chaotic situations may arise if the definitive ruling of the Raad van State is not awaited in the ongoing legal cases.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an in-depth look at the difficult situation faced by derdelanders in the Netherlands, and it's great to see the government taking steps to address their concerns.

👎 The government's response to the situation of derdelanders in the Netherlands is too little, too late, and many of these people will end up on the street as a result.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the uncertainty surrounding the future of 1800 third-country nationals living in the Netherlands, who were originally from countries like Nigeria, Algeria and Morocco. They fled the conflict in Ukraine and were initially granted the same rights as refugees from Ukraine, but the Dutch government is now saying that those rights will no longer be valid after 4 September.

Friend: Wow, that's really worrying. What implications does the article raise?

Me: Well, the article raises several implications. Firstly, it raises the possibility that these 1800 people may end up on the streets without any support or assistance. It also raises the concern that the Dutch government may not have waited for a ruling from the Council of State before deciding to revoke the rights of the third-country nationals. Additionally, it raises the issue of whether the third-country nationals should be offered financial compensation in exchange for returning to their countries of origin, and whether this could be seen as an attempt by the government to 'buy them off'. Finally, it raises the question of whether the Netherlands should grant all third-country nationals a residence permit, regardless of their origin.

Action items

Technical terms

Local governments in the Netherlands.
People who originally come from countries such as Nigeria, Algeria and Morocco, but who have fled from Ukraine.
Europese richtlijn
European directive.
Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers.
Association of Dutch Municipalities.
Right of residence.
Raad van State
Council of State.
Departure bonus.

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