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Geadopteerden uit Sri Lanka stellen Staat aansprakelijk voor misstanden


Acht geadopteerden uit Sri Lanka hebben de Nederlandse Staat aangeklaagd wegens nalatigheid bij hun adoptie uit Sri Lanka in de jaren tachtig. Zij stellen dat de overheid nalatig was en niet reageerde op de signalen van misstanden, zoals babyfarming en kinderroof, waarvan zij al sinds 1979 op de hoogte waren. Ze hopen dat de rechter de Staat aansprakelijk stelt voor de schade die zij geleden hebben. De geadopteerden hebben veel vragen over hun afkomst en staan voor de uitdaging om hun echte geboortedatum in hun paspoort te krijgen.


What are the 8 geadopteerden suing the State for?
The 8 geadopteerden are suing the State for negligence in their adoptions from Sri Lanka in the 1980s.

What misstanden were present in Sri Lanka adoptions?
The misstanden present in Sri Lanka adoptions included babyfarming, child abduction, and human trafficking.

When did the first signals of misstanden in Sri Lanka adoptions surface?
The first signals of misstanden in Sri Lanka adoptions surfaced in 1979.

What conclusion did the 2021 Commission-Joustra report come to regarding the Dutch state's role in intercountry adoptions?
The 2021 Commission-Joustra report concluded that the Dutch state did not intervene and did not provide solutions to the misstanden.

What is the purpose of the current legal proceedings initiated by the geadopteerden?
The purpose of the current legal proceedings initiated by the geadopteerden is to have the court recognize that the government is liable for the damages suffered by the 8 individuals and to seek justice for other geadopteerden in a similar situation.

AI Comments

👍 This article does an excellent job of detailing the mismanagement of the Dutch government in regards to adoptions from Sri Lanka. It is very informative and provides a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

👎 The article does not provide any solutions to the issue it presents, leaving readers without any clear direction on how to move forward.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about eight people who were adopted from Sri Lanka in the 1980s and are now suing the Dutch government for negligence. They say the government could have known about the many abuses and should have taken action. They want the government to recognize their negligence and pay for the costs they have incurred to trace their roots.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. So what are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article highlights the fact that the Dutch government was aware of the abuses and mismanagement in international adoptions from Sri Lanka since the 1980s, but failed to take any action. This is a major issue that needs to be addressed and highlights the need for better regulation and oversight of international adoptions. Furthermore, this case could set a precedent that could open the door for further legal action in similar cases, providing hope for other adoptees in similar situations.

Action items

Technical terms

People who have been adopted.
To summon someone to appear in court.
Negligence or carelessness.
Origin or ancestry.
Kidnapping of children.
The practice of taking in babies and young children for money, often in exchange for adoption.
Human trafficking.
Foute dossiers
Faulty or incorrect documents.
A fake mother.
Justice or fairness.
A supervisor or overseer.
A visa issuer.
Compensation for damages.

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