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Why Engineers Need To Write


Writing is an essential skill for software engineers. It is a key part of doing work and is the most efficient way to scale one's impact. AI tools may be able to help with writing, but it will not take away the need for engineers to have strong writing skills. Writing can help clarify existing ideas and generate new ones, and strong writers are some of the strongest engineers.


Why do engineers need to write?
Engineers need to write in order to collaborate on software development, ask technical questions, comment on code reviews, and create design documents.

How has writing become an important part of software engineering?
Writing has become an important part of software engineering as conversations have moved to asynchronous chats and word documents, and almost everything software engineers do requires writing.

What are the benefits of writing for scaling yourself?
Writing is the most efficient way for engineers to scale themselves, as it allows them to influence others to ship what matters most. Writing can also help generate more ideas and provide a deeper understanding of existing ideas.

What impact will AI tools like ChatGPT have on writing?
AI tools like ChatGPT may make writing easier, but they will not make it obsolete. Writing forces thoughts into a coherent, logical narrative and can help improve thinking.

How important is writing for software engineers?
Writing is an essential skill for software engineers, as it is one of the key skills needed to be effective at work.

AI Comments

👍 I really appreciate this article for highlighting the importance of writing for engineers. This is such a great insight and I'm glad I stumbled upon it.

👎 This article is too long and it doesn't really add any new insights. There's nothing here that we haven't heard before.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how engineers need to write. It points out that writing is necessary for software engineers because they need to collaborate with others, scale their work, and improve their critical thinking skills.

Friend: Interesting. That makes a lot of sense. I guess it means engineers need to be good communicators in addition to being good coders.

Me: Definitely. Writing is a way to share ideas, gain feedback, and document work. It's also important for engineers to understand how to write clearly and concisely, so their ideas can be understood by others.

Action items

Technical terms

Software Engineer
A professional who designs, develops, tests, and maintains software applications.
The process of creating computer programs using a programming language.
Async Chats
A type of online communication that allows users to send and receive messages in real-time without having to wait for a response.
Design Docs
A document that outlines the design of a software system, including its architecture, components, and user interface.
A type of artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can generate natural language responses to user input.
Critical Thinking
The process of analyzing information and using logic to draw conclusions.

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