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Why Write?


This article provides three different answers to why writing can be useful: 1) writing can be a great way to sort out your thoughts in a concise manner; 2) it can increase your audience and lead to unexpected outcomes; 3) writing can improve your research by telling a narrative. The article also provides tips on how to practice writing and emphasizes the importance of clear communication.


What are the three answers to 'Why Write'?
The three answers to 'Why Write?' are that writing is a wonderful way to sort out thoughts in a concise manner, it increases the audience for academic research, and it improves research by having an underlying narrative.

How can writing help sort out thoughts in a concise manner?
Writing forces one to assume a concise perspective and be creative with explanations and miserly with words. It can also help to clear the internal cache and generate ideas about how to improve research.

How can writing increase the audience for academic research?
Writing can entice readers from other disciplines, which can lead to unexpected outcomes and collaborations. Outreach writing can also target a more general audience.

What is the importance of having an underlying narrative in an academic paper?
Having an underlying narrative in an academic paper helps to explain the facts of discoveries and makes it easier for others to understand the research.

How can one improve their writing skills?
To improve writing skills, one should read and write more, read the best papers they can find, study the writing style, and be prepared to rewrite their own papers multiple times.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great insight into the importance of writing and provides great advice for improving one's writing.

👎 This article paints academic writing in a positive light while ignoring its drawbacks such as the tedious task it can be.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about why writing can be important, and it provides three different answers to why writing can be useful. The first answer is that writing helps to sort out your thoughts in a concise manner, the second is that writing increases your audience, and the third is that writing improves your research by creating narratives.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the main implication is that writing is an important skill to learn and practice. Writing can help to sort out your thoughts, increase your audience, and improve your research. It's also important to create narratives when writing so that your work stands out. Finally, it's important to read and write regularly to get better at it.

Action items

Technical terms

The academic world, including the community of scholars, researchers, and students at universities or other higher education institutions.
The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Reflections or thoughts about a subject.
Scientific Paper
A formal written document presenting the results of scientific research.
A person who takes part in a conversation or dialogue.
Limitations or constraints on something.
Unwilling to spend money or use resources.
The act of reaching out to people or groups to provide information or assistance.
A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.

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