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Stoicism is popular right now, but there are some serious downsides


Stoicism is currently a popular philosophy, but there are some downsides to it that should be taken into consideration. It can be easy to cherry-pick the parts of Stoicism that work for us, but Stoics warned against forming attachments to anything, even friends and family. Additionally, Stoicism teaches that suffering is a natural part of life, but there are other philosophies that suggest that love is worth the pain of grief. Lastly, Stoicism teaches self-sufficiency and that humans should not be dependent on anyone, but other philosophies suggest that humans are wired to be social and dependent on one another. Ultimately, it is important to be critical when considering Stoicism and to pick and choose the parts of the philosophy that make sense.


What are some of the downsides to Stoicism?
Some of the downsides to Stoicism include the potential for it to become a kind of Barnum effect, the need to discard worldly attachments of any kind, and the idea that one should make themselves invulnerable to suffering.

What did Stoics advise against when it comes to relationships?
Stoics advised against holding anything too closely and warned against attachments of any kind.

What was the belief of traditional Stoics?
The belief of traditional Stoics was that there was a plan to nature, and so we ought to accede to that.

What does Queen Elizabeth II's quote tell us about love?
Queen Elizabeth II's quote tells us that love is a pain knowingly accepted.

How does Confucianism view relationships compared to Stoicism?
Confucianism places great emphasis on the relational aspect of being human, while Stoicism argues against attachments of any kind.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting and thoughtful perspective on Stoicism and how modern interpretations of its teachings may not be entirely accurate.

👎 The article has a very one-sided view of Stoicism and does not address any of the potential benefits of its teachings.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Stoicism, which is a popular philosophy right now. It looks at the downsides of following this philosophy, such as not being able to form meaningful relationships or attachments, being overly self-reliant and not allowing yourself to fully experience love, and not being able to embrace certain aspects of Stoicism while still being critical.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article implies that while Stoicism can be a beneficial philosophy, it needs to be approached critically and thoughtfully. It's not something that should be taken on uncritically, as it can have negative implications if it's not thought through carefully. Additionally, it suggests that while Stoicism can be a great way to cope with difficult situations, it shouldn't be taken to the extreme and should be balanced with other philosophies that acknowledge the importance of relationships and attachment.

Action items

Technical terms

A school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. It is a system of ethics which emphasizes the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions.
Barnum effect
A phenomenon in which people tend to accept vague and general statements as true, even when they are not.
Memento Mori
Latin for "remember that you must die," a reminder of the inevitability of death.
Preferred Indifferent
In Stoic philosophy, a preferred indifferent is something that is neither good nor bad in itself, but can be used for good or bad purposes.
Relating to the interaction between social and political forces.
A system of thought and behavior originating in ancient China, based on the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It emphasizes the importance of family, education, and social harmony.
The belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable, and that humans have no real control over their lives.

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