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ملحد دخل الاسلام بعد ان عبد الشيطان لاكتشافه لغز كبير لا يعرفه احد عن الله ؟ سبحان الله معجزة كبيرة - YouTube


في هذا الفيديو، يتحدث المخرج عن كيفية ادخال ملحد في الإسلام بعد اكتشافه لغزاً لا يعرفه أحد عن الله ؟ وهذا يعتبر معجزة كبيرة لسبحان الله.


What did the devil discover about Allah?
The devil discovered that no one knew anything about Allah.

How did it lead to a big puzzle?
It led to a big puzzle because no one could solve it.

What was the big miracle of Allah?
The big miracle of Allah was that He was able to solve the puzzle.

How did the atheist enter Islam?
The atheist entered Islam after realizing that Allah was able to solve the puzzle.

What is the purpose of the video?
The purpose of the video is to show the miracle of Allah and how it led to the atheist entering Islam.

AI Comments

👍 لقد أظهر رائعا كيف يمكن للملحدين الدخول إلى الإسلام عن طريق تشغيل الغز الذي لا يزال مجهولا للجميع حول الله. ما هو إلا معجزة كبيرة!

👎 هذا الفيديو غير واضح في تفسير طريقة الدخول الملحدين إلى الإسلام. يجب أن يكون بعض التفاصيل المحددة أكثر لأنها مهمة لتأكيد النقاش.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a man who converted to Islam after stumbling upon a great mystery about God that no one knew before.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What implications does the article have?

Me: Well, it shows that there is still a lot of mystery and knowledge to be discovered about God and the spiritual world. It also shows that God can reach out to us in unexpected ways and open our eyes to new understanding. It also indicates that faith and belief can be strengthened even in the face of uncertainty and doubt.

Action items

Technical terms

The legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, or sell an original work of authorship such as a book, play, or song.
People who create content, such as videos, music, or art.
To promote or publicize a product or service.
The conditions of a contract or agreement.
The state of being free from public scrutiny or disclosure of personal information.
Policy & Safety
Rules and regulations that are put in place to protect the safety and security of users.
How YouTube works
A description of the platform's features and functions.
Test new features
The process of testing out new features on a platform before they are released to the public.
NFL Sunday Ticket
A subscription service that allows viewers to watch out-of-market NFL games on Sundays.

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