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الا كل ماشية الخيزلى - القصيدة المقصورة للمتنبي بصوت اسامة الواعظ - YouTube


في هذا الفيديو، يشارك اسامة الواعظ قصيدة مقصورة بعنوان "الا كل ماشية الخيزلى"، والتي تحكي قصة عن الشعور بشعور الحرية. يشرح الفيديو كيفية استخدام الفيديو لتعزيز الأرواح والذهن.


What is the article about?
The article is about a poem called "Ala Kull Ma Shiyah Al Khayzali" by the poet Mustafa Al-Waa'iz.

Who is the speaker in the article?
The speaker in the article is Isam Al-Waa'iz.

What is the title of the poem featured in the article?
The title of the poem featured in the article is "Ala Kull Ma Shiyah Al Khayzali".

What is the purpose of the article?
The purpose of the article is to provide information about the poem and to promote its availability on YouTube.

What are the topics discussed in the article?
The topics discussed in the article include the poem, its author, its speaker, and its availability on YouTube.

AI Comments

👍 استمعنا الى الا كل ماشية الخيزلى القصيدة المقصورة للمتنبي بصوت اسامة الواعظ ونجدها مذهلة ومحببة.

👎 كان الصوت الذي يتضمن الفيديو القصيدة المقصورة للمتنبي بصوت اسامة الواعظ غير واضح بشكل كاف.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the poem الا كل ماشية الخيزلى by the poet اسامة الواعظ. It's been turned into a short film.

Friend: That's really cool! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, this article shows how important it is to preserve and promote traditional culture. By turning this poem into a short film, it is being exposed to a wider audience, and people will be able to appreciate and learn more about the culture of the region. It also shows how technology can be used to promote culture and to preserve it for future generations.

Action items

Technical terms

الا كل ماشية الخيزلى
This is an Arabic phrase meaning "all that is beautiful is fleeting".
القصيدة المقصورة
This is an Arabic phrase meaning "short poem".
اسامة الواعظ
This is the name of the poet who wrote the poem.
This is an online video-sharing platform owned by Google.
This is a page on YouTube that provides information about the company.
This is a page on YouTube that provides press releases and other news about the company.
This is a page on YouTube that provides information about copyright and other legal issues.
Contact us
This is a page on YouTube that provides contact information for the company.
This is a page on YouTube that provides resources for content creators.
This is a page on YouTube that provides information about advertising on the platform.
This is a page on YouTube that provides resources for developers.
This is a page on YouTube that provides the terms of service for the platform.
This is a page on YouTube that provides information about the company's privacy policy.
Policy & Safety
This is a page on YouTube that provides information about the company's policies and safety guidelines.
How YouTube works
This is a page on YouTube that provides information about how the platform works.
Test new features
This is a page on YouTube that provides information about new features and how to test them.
NFL Sunday Ticket
This is a subscription service offered by the National Football League that allows viewers to watch out-of-market games on Sundays.

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