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아이돌 출신 멤버, 유흥업소서 일하는 근황 “아이돌과 비슷해”


최근에는 아이돌 출신 멤버들이 유흥업소에서 일하고 있는 뉴스가 많이 보고되고 있다. 그들은 자신들이 아이돌과 비슷하다고 자신하고 있다. 그들의 일은 이모저모 하는 일로 이루어져 있으며, 이에 따른 법적 제재를 받을 수 있다.


What is the current situation of former idol members working in adult entertainment establishments?
The current situation of former idol members working in adult entertainment establishments is that they are similar to idols.

What is the reaction of celebrities to the news of Song Minjun pausing his recording for a cancer diagnosis?
The reaction of celebrities to the news of Song Minjun pausing his recording for a cancer diagnosis is to wish him well.

How much weight did Choi Kanghee lose to achieve her slim figure?
Choi Kanghee lost 6.2kg to achieve her slim figure, going from 54.5kg to 48.3kg.

What is the reason for Song Hye Kyo, Han So Hee, and Shim Na Yeon leaving their production company?
The reason for Song Hye Kyo, Han So Hee, and Shim Na Yeon leaving their production company is due to the lack of role of the production company.

What jewelry company did Lee Ji Hyun work for to get her impressive physique?
Lee Ji Hyun worked for a jewelry company to get her impressive physique.

AI Comments

👍 It is commendable that the article addressed the recent situation of an idol-turned-entertainment worker, providing an accurate and detailed account of the situation.

👎 The article failed to provide any meaningful insight into the motivations behind the idol's decision or offer any solutions to the issues faced by entertainment workers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about an idol group member who is now working in a nightclub, and people are saying that they look similar to an idol.

Friend: Wow! That's really surprising. It's a bit sad that someone who was once an idol now has to work in a nightclub.

Me: Yeah, it definitely brings up some interesting implications. It could mean that the idol industry is not as stable as people think, or that the idol trainee system is not working well. It could also be a sign that there are not enough opportunities for idols once they leave the industry.

Action items

Technical terms

아이돌 (Idol)
A term used in South Korea to refer to a young entertainer who has been trained and groomed to become a star.
유흥업소 (Entertainment Establishment)
A business that provides entertainment services, such as bars, nightclubs, karaoke, and other forms of entertainment.
멤버 (Member)
An individual who is part of a group or organization.
근황 (Situation)
The current state of affairs.
본문바로가기 (Go to the Main Text)
A link that takes the reader directly to the main text of an article.
로그인 (Login)
The process of entering a username and password to gain access to a website or application.
회원가입 (Membership)
The process of signing up to become a member of a website or application.
지면보기 (View on Page)
A link that takes the reader to the page where the article is located.
즐겨찾기 추가 (Add to Favorites)
The process of adding a website or application to a list of favorites for easy access.
실시간 뉴스 (Real-Time News)
News that is updated in real-time.
연예 (Entertainment)
The entertainment industry, including movies, television, music, and other forms of entertainment.
스포츠 (Sports)
The sports industry, including professional and amateur sports.
전국 (Nationwide)
Refers to the entire country.
포토 (Photo)
A photograph.
아이돌픽 (Idol Pick)
A feature that allows readers to pick their favorite idols.
트롯픽 (Trot Pick)
A feature that allows readers to pick their favorite trot singers.
엠엘비파크 (M.L.B. Park)
A website that provides news and

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