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"창업 성공하려면 이 책 봐라" 김봉진·김슬아·이승건의 원픽


김봉진·김슬아·이승건의 원픽은 창업 성공을 위한 책의 소개로, 저자들은 성공신화, 성공비결, 한국신용데이터, 창업, 배달의민족, 컬리, 논리철학논고, 인피니트 게임, 왜 사업하는가, 팩플 오리지널, CEO의 서재, The JoongAng Plus 등의 주제로 창업 성공 방법을 설명하고 있다.


What is the article about?
The article is about books that can help entrepreneurs succeed.

Who wrote the article?
The article was written by Shin Jaemin.

Who are Kim Bong-jin, Kim Seul-ah, and Lee Seung-gun?
Kim Bong-jin, Kim Seul-ah, and Lee Seung-gun are authors of books mentioned in the article.

What books are mentioned in the article?
The books mentioned in the article are "CEO's Library", "Why Business?", "Fapple Original", and "The JoongAng Plus".

What topics are discussed in the article?
The topics discussed in the article include entrepreneurship, economics, IT and science, Korean Credit Data, Delivery Nation, Curi, Logic Philosophy Essay, Infinity Game, and CEO's Library.

AI Comments

👍 이 책은 창업과 관련된 다양한 주제들을 다루어 성공하는데 도움이 될 만한 자료를 제공합니다. 다양한 주제들을 다루고 있어 창업에 대한 깊은 이해를 돕고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

👎 이 책은 창업을 성공하기 위한 방법을 제공하지만, 창업의 성공을 보장해주지 않습니다. 따라서 창업을 할 때, 기본적인 스킬과 관련된 자료를 준비해야한다는 것을 기억해야 합니다.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about three successful entrepreneurs, Kim Bong-jin, Kim Seul-ah, and Lee Seung-gun, and their books that are essential for success in business. It also talks about the economic, IT, and science sectors in South Korea.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: This article highlights the importance of reading the right books if you want to be successful in business. It also shows that there are many different sectors in South Korea that entrepreneurs can explore if they want to be successful. Additionally, the article reinforces the idea that success in business takes hard work and dedication and that it's not just about having the right knowledge.

Action items

Technical terms

창업 (Entrepreneurship)
The process of starting a business or other organization.
이 책 봐라 (Read this book)
A phrase used to encourage someone to read a particular book.
김봉진·김슬아·이승건의 원픽 (Kim Bong-jin, Kim Seul-ah, and Lee Seung-gun's One Pick)
A book written by three authors about entrepreneurship and success.
경제 (Economics)
The study of how people, businesses, and governments make decisions about the production and distribution of goods and services.
IT (Information Technology)
The use of computers and other digital technologies to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data.
과학 (Science)
The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
중앙일보 (The JoongAng Ilbo)
A major South Korean newspaper.
페이스북 (Facebook)
A social networking service.
트위터 (Twitter)
A microblogging and social networking service.
CEO의 서재 (CEO's Library)
A book series written by CEOs about their experiences and insights.
그래픽 (Graphics)
Images or diagrams used to illustrate a point or explain a concept.
신재민 기자 (Shin Jaemin Reporter)
A reporter for The JoongAng Ilbo.
#김봉진 (Kim Bong-jin)
A hashtag used to refer to the author of the book.
#김슬아 (Kim Seul-ah)
A hashtag used to refer to the author of the book.
#성공 신화 (Success Myth)
A hashtag used to refer to the book's theme.
#성공 비결 (Success Secret)
A hashtag

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